दौड़: Ship Of Fools (Demo)
starblaster642 years ago

At 5:18: if you move your turret cannon to the other side so it can't autofire at the slugs during that '?' encounter you can unlock Shelbie, which can speed up the boss fight a lot with the bonus dmg + fire rate on loaded cannons.

धागा: Team Fortress 2
starblaster647 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by "doesn't show outlines" when referring to the spawn room. It's pretty clear that a playerclip brush has been put over that window section. Meaning player entities have collision with it, while other entities can pass through freely. https://i.imgur.com/12stHxj.jpg

The firing range also has the same type of brush surrounding it, the only reason it's invisible in this instance is because it's tied to a func_brush entity, which means r_drawclipbrushes 1/2 doesn't draw it. https://image.prntscr.com/image/spjL8XPzTtSYQ2WdowmzyQ.png

Bonus Fun Fact: You can get yourself stuck if you don't fully walk into the firing range during Soldier training. Most easily achieved by crouch walking through the entrance.

starblaster647 years ago

So I saw this ( https://redd.it/6k69hn ) Reddit post on the TF2 Subreddit. Since I don't have a Reddit account I thought I would just post this here instead. I decided to just take a look at the decompiled map file for more accurate information, which is available on TF2Maps.net here: https://tf2maps.net/threads/valve-maps-decompiled.5952/ The logic_case entity is set up as follows:

First, some references that are used in the map itself: 1 is the closest row (melee target) 2 is the middle row (secondary target) 3 is the furthest row (primary target)

'a' is the left-most column. 'b' is the centre column. 'c' is the right-most column.

e.g. 1b is the melee target, 2c is the right-side middle row target, etc.

Every time you destroy a target (or pair of targets), a new one is picked exactly 2s later. The logic_case is being sent the 'PickRandomShuffle' input, which means a random case is selected each time with ¤no repeats¤ until every case has been picked, at which point it starts over. The possibilities are as such:

| Melee Target | Case01 - 1b Case02 - 1b Case03 - 1b (This means the melee target can appear up to 3 times)

| Secondary Target | Case04 - 2a Case05 - 2b Case06 - 2c

| Primary Target | Case07 - 3a Case08 - 3b Case09 - 3c

| Primary Close-Pair Targets | Case10 - 3a + 3b Case11 - 3b + 3c

| Secondary Close-Pair Targets | Case12 - 2a + 2b Case13 - 2b + 2c

| Primary/Secondary Far-Pair Targets | Case14 - 3a + 3c Case15 - 2a + 2c

Also I should point out that due to 'PickRandomShuffle', each individual target has the same maximum number of times it can appear (3).

I hope this helps a bit.

kiraa96, darG और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
starblaster647 years ago

I have a 17:44 multiclass run, it hasn't been approved yet though.

The payload stages are the Scout's best stages, since he pushes the cart noticably faster.

Demoman is great for stages that need a lot of damage, like The Train or vs the Sniper boss.

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