समाचार: Appel (Scratch)
@Awesomeplayer98 yeaaah i think I'll stick to mine lol
दौड़: Appel (Scratch)
दौड़: Appel (Scratch)
Please provide your replay code in the future so that I can retime properly. Thanks
It's fine. I have plenty of time to verify runs because my bus takes almost an hour to get to my house.
This is because you pressed up. If you look at the key press visualizer you can see the up key being pressed for a frame or two
@LionCoder10 I haven't tested buyps tool because I don't have time, but I have my own tool if you want to use it it's at appelgame.netlify.app
दौड़: Appel (Scratch)
Oh wait nvm. I thought my time was a 33.9 and that you beat it by half a second lol my bad
धागा: Appel (Scratch)
I feel like the minimum apples category is outdated and was properly replaced by the category extensions category. Should it be archived or removed?
दौड़: Appel (Scratch)
1 से 20 का दिखाया जा रहा है 143 में से
speeeedy के बारे में
Old acc: speeeeeedy
I had to move due to complicated reasons
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