It was April fools, so I made a run. I would make the pun of FAEpril fools, but not only did I do it in the title, but I’ll also be beat up if I did.
I would say “happy April fools”, but it’s late, so I don’t know how many people see this on April 1st. It’s also a tradition over here in the UK to not do April fools pranks after 12am, so I can’t even say that, even if it was 1pm.
Enjoy your month I guess.
It sure is strange that book 2 is there, but not the new game+ variant.
well, i'm still gonna hope that it someday happens, just so i can say "told you so" in this form.
well, there was that run of enviro-bear, where the 5 runners took turns to beat each of the 5 levels. if they allowed 5 players 1 controller, then wouldn't they allow 1 runner 2 controllers? besides, there's 1 handed runs on games like mario 64.
if this ever became some sort of category, i will hope that it goes in GDQ. i can already imagine all of the "i have no friends" jokes that will come out of it.
recently, i found out that new game+ category allows the ability to use level select. cool. the only problem is that i have done a run that i will upload in the weekend, and it's of the new game+ category, but without the level select. do i want this category just so my almost 10 minute run doesn't look terrible in front of these runs that are faster than a F1 car? maybe, but considering that there's a warpless category, it's not a terrible idea to have a no level select category. If the mods are just thinking that this is a stupid idea that will be left to rot away with other suggestions, i'm fine with that. i just think that we might as well add in the option, and if no one does many runs, remove it. now if you excuse me, i'm gonna be telling myself to look at speedruns before doing one for a few hours.
i am thinking about making a discord for FEH speedruning so people can share ways to improve times, give starter tips, and just talk about how a new character could be great for speedruning. i would want to know if : A: someone has already made the discord B:if enough people actually want this discord
if you know of a FEH speedruning discord already, or if you want one to be made, tell me, because i think that can help some people like me to begin speedruning this great mobile game.