Florida, USAsnuffysam1 year ago

Is this in the wrong category? EGM has 80,000 coins at the start of this run, isn't this OldFile%?

Florida, USAsnuffysam2 years ago

Just finished the coin route here: https://www.speedrun.com/jojo_asbr/guide/np8xg

If you think there are any missions that would be faster in this route, lmk!

Florida, USAsnuffysam2 years ago

Well you don't get the credits at all without beating Stone Ocean 1, so I don't think that last suggestion is really viable...

I will say that I don't think new runners being physically incapable of beating my current Any% new file record is an actual risk LMAO. I mean, my game literally crashed in the middle of getting that run, and there were missions I had to redo bc of how much the strategy to beat them changed without items.

I'm still not done testing all the missions, but even with the routing changes I've worked through so far, it's looking like at LEAST a 30 minute time save over the current record, including the Stone Ocean 2 page (it helps that those missions are some of the fastest in the route).

Florida, USAsnuffysam2 years ago

Oh hey, weird thing I discovered while working on the new route...

Turns out, you don't need to beat Stone Ocean 2 to get to the credits? I was able to get the credits by beating every boss panel except Jolyne vs Final Pucci?

It's really weird how that's a thing... I'm not sure how we should handle that, actually.

Because on the one hand, usually any% would be "get to the credits", which means Stone Ocean 2 isn't required. But it also seems really weird to have one boss panel totally untouched? But, TBF, that extra panel was added in a patch, so maybe it's considered "bonus content"...

Florida, USAsnuffysam2 years ago

The reason old file & new file are separated is because you can use coins to buy items (cutting the opponent's health in half, draining the opponent's health over time, etc), and naturally you start the game with zero coins.

So with new file, you have to route around gaining coins as efficiently as possible so you can buy items to speed up all the slow required fights. Whereas with old file, you can buy the best items for every fight from the start.

And yeah, the new part 6 panel is a shock to me, after Risotto's DLC dropped with no new missions I assumed we were locked into the base game panels forever. Granted, the new panel and everything else involving Weather & New Pucci was probably already completed for the base game, they likely just delayed releasing it to tie in with the anime...

Since this seems unlikely to ever happen again, I wouldn't mind if the old ASB Mode runs get archived. I'm gonna be grinding out new runs for ASB Mode new save soon anyway.

gamebrain इसे पसंद करता है
Florida, USAsnuffysam2 years ago

Yeah I turned off viewing all backgrounds on my account (switched to a super mario world theme cuz it looks nice), purely because I knew I'd be spending a lot of time on the ASBR page LOL

Florida, USAsnuffysam2 years ago

I'd have to check how quick the 1000-gold secret missions are to complete for those part 5 & part 8 panels. Some secret missions are just like, "let the opponent get a free hit in", which are missions I'd want to route around if possible lol.

Some other things to consider - the boss battles for SDC3 and DIU2 both earn 2000 gold, both being the only boss battles to do so - and both are required of course. So it might be a good idea to do those boss battles earlier on, since that's free money you can use in the rest of the run (as opposed to having either of those as the final battle).

retired_jeff इसे पसंद करता है
Florida, USAsnuffysam2 years ago

Nice, the guide looks good. I can see both the excel spreadsheet & the screenshots btw.

I've been spending the past few days trying to figure out how quickly I can do each individual fight with the first secret mission completed. Since obv you need the first secret mission to get maximum gold. Some of the secret missions are fast, like winning without losing any rounds (was planning on doing that anyway lol) while others seem like they'll take a while (like using an assist 3 times).

I've only made it through the PB board fully right now... on an individual board basis, it's looking like the optimal Any% route is: -Jonathan vs Speedwagon (no items) -Speedwagon vs Old Joseph (no items) -Dio vs DIO (with items) -Jonathan vs Dio (with items)

So some easy missions like Zeppeli vs Jonathan seem pretty slow without items, and don't earn enough gold to be worth the time.

With that said, what I just described is an individual board route. I could probably earn coins faster by hopping board to board, knocking out missions that are really fast to do without items, but I just haven't timed those boards yet.

(e.g. BT2 Kars vs Valentine and GW2 Diavolo vs Giorno both earn a lot of coins if you can finish them first try, it's just a question of what items we need to do them quickly)

retired_jeff इसे पसंद करता है
Florida, USAsnuffysam2 years ago

Hmm... that's an issue, then.

Is there no way to back up your save file on PC? Like literally going into the folder & putting the data somewhere else? You'd probably have to disable cloud saving as well, I think.

I just ran through on console and at least there, it's possible to make a new save file. Kinda annoying to go through the tutorial each time but what can ya do lol.

New Save is an interesting routing challenge... you need to make sure to complete Secret Missions that get you extra gold so you always have access to items. I had access to the Miasma of the Void item pretty much the whole run (except the first battle lol), but it was tough to maintain enough gold to keep using the Grateful Dead item.

Florida, USAsnuffysam2 years ago

Lol I figured it was something like being labeled in the wrong category.

And yeah, he definitely correctly did the right number of fights for each boss, the big question to me is the gold... every fight, he bought items to reduce the opponent's health, but he wouldn't have had that many coins on a new safe file. He would have had to build it up after a few fights.

It's obviously not against the rules rn, but it is worth considering to me. I might do a run on a new save file later today just to see if the coin routing is interesting enough to be a real thing...

Florida, USAsnuffysam2 years ago

The any% rules seem incorrect considering Jeff's run?

In Jeff's run (at least the one that's visible right now), he did the minimum requirements to unlock each boss panel (granted, they were already unlocked), then did the boss panels.

But the rules on the category are:

"Timer starts when the Combat word appears in the first battle and ends whit the last hit of the last battle. You must complete every fight in the All Star Battle mode."

...Which seems to specifically describe it as being all fights, not all bosses.

Personally I think the way Jeff did it makes more sense for being called "any%", since it routes around non-required parts of the game like most any% categories would, but some clarification (and possibly a separate category for all fights?) would be nice.

(I also don't know of many games where you can do an "any%" run on an already-completed save file... but I guess it's probably not viable to make runners delete their save files every time lol)

jyj_52 इसे पसंद करता है
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