thats awesome man. this could for sure be used and it looks pretty similar to the skip pullmatrox did in kk. but since this went unnoticed until now it feels like this same skip could be used for other levels just with different timing. but nice, keep up the work man. also i feel like this little game has grew since level leaderboards were added, since it no longer feels too intimidating to new players to have to do a full run.
ill probably run them a few times for practice and to see who can get the highest on each level. for example, since kind kingdom is the first level, i restart about 7/10 runs just from kind kingdom because it feels so optimized even though i could probably have a bad kind kingdom and still get a good time from the other four stages. anyway i think this would be a good addition.
so i noticed that when i do really short hops, i could just jump again in midair. so whenever i jump for what feels like exactly a frame, i can do a full jump again while in midair. with this, you can skip the last section right before the little Q&A review part, just like we do in the first bully level. using this, the best split i ever got for kind kingdom on any% is a 3:20. i feel like this could be improved and perfected to save major time and improve alot of runs.