Check out the gears of war discord channel were the GOW community resides. Where we talk about strats, skips, general stuff and take the piss out of acllive.
yep. What you planning on running? Add me if you are interested in running on XBOX - Swingflip
Tom you need to improve your PC times bro. I am coming for you!
You are right it is cluttered to a degree apart from speedrunning the story mode and speedrunning horde mode are two completely kettle of fish and cannot be considered under the same format. Not too sure what you mean by:
"why would you need 4 Theres Fast Fast and challenge Fast the other 2 are neither here nor there ?"
Chapters are effectively checkpoints within acts. They are segments of levels. Each individual map is effectively it's own entity and is classed as an individual level.
For all of the Gears games we haven't split each act up by chapter and there is no benefit for doing it with GOW4. The only difference between GOW4 and the rest of the series is that you now have the option to select which difficulty when matchmaking when you could only matchmake on normal previously.
Sorry for being incogneto. Was busy drinking over the weekend.
After reading the responses how about...
Casual Story (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX Glitchless% PC Glitchless% XBOX Coop% PC Coop% XBOX
Insane Story (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX Glitchless% PC Glitchless% XBOX Coop% PC Coop% XBOX
Horde Casual (Category) Horde Normal (Category) Horde Hardcore (Category) Horde Insane(Category)
ACT 1 (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX ACT 2 (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX ACT 3 (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX ACT 4 (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX ACT 5 (Category) Any% PC Any% XBOX
HORDE Casual (Category) Individual Maps HORDE Normal (Category) Individual Maps HORDE Hardcore (Category) Individual Maps HORDE Insane (Category) Individual Maps
I think the above format caters for everyone's needs. and keeps the main categories down to 6 which is more than acceptable.
Unlike story I do believe we would still need the 4 difficulties for HORDE as all 4 difficulties are available for matchmaking and require different play styles for each.
I also believe the staple difficulty for HORDE is actually NORMAL. In HORDE and HORDE 2.0 the matchmaking difficulty was equivilent to HORDE 3.0 NORMAL. Once I have set the baseline times for each difficulty (Uploading an INSANE run as we speak) I will mainly run normal unless challenged then I will go for the titles as needed.
The game categories are pretty much set up correctly. The only difficult thing with GOW4 is the fact it's cross platform and story runs are RTA. I primarily set up the GOW3 horde speedrunning categories before so I will try and get it as close as it was before. I am speaking to Skaleks about this already and I will get that part of the game sorted asap.
I think the story categories are fine as they are.
The only changes I would personally put forward for discussion would be:
Removal of Platform sub category for horde runs as in game is used and not RTA meaning that cross platform has no impact on run times.
Removal of CO-OP any % categories as you can list who the players are within an run anyway (player 1 = x player 2 = y) etc so having a seperate category for CO-OP seems a bit redundant.
Rename Glitchless any% to Glitchless. Technically speaking any% means you can use glitches. If the run is glitchless it makes the the any% definition a mute point.
Lastly a very minor thing would be to remove "3.0" from horde which will give us more real estate with the tabs on the main page. Making the page flow a bit better than it currently does.
Thanks buddy. I am unsure that we would still require console subcategories for Horde 3.0 aswell as difficulty as Horde runs are based off multiplayer in game time and not RTA.
This being the case, what you are running on will have no impact to the individual wave in game times.
It would make the category more streamlined and attractive to newcommers.
It would be just like GOW3 XBOX360/XBOXone horde runs.
Hi, this is mainly aimed at Skaleks.
I am currently the GOW3 Moderator requesting to be a moderator for GOW4.
I primarilly ran GOW3 Horde speedruns and now recently aquired GOW4 and routed it a few times I am wanting to do GOW4 runs aswell as GOW3.
I have a few IL runs aswell as a Any% normal run to submit.
I propose that the formatting of the categories for Horde to be the same as GOW3 with the exception of difficulty.
Horde Any% Casual Horde Any% Normal Horde Any % Hardcore Horde Any% Insane
With the potential of doing individual level runs like GOW3 but obviously x 4 difficulty levels.
Rules stay the same as GOW3. No mutators, no cheats, waves 1-50 and video must contain footage of all 50 waves.
Unlike GOW3, GOW4 no longer has a "end of game screen" with a final ingame time. (WHICH IS A HUGE PAIN IN THE ARSE AND I HOPE THEY PATCH ASAP!) Because of this; Timing is based on the accumulative total of ingame time for each individual wave.
I have routed the horde runs via PC and XBOX and there is no diffrence so having a PC and XBOX category is redundant. Especially as timing is based off ingame time. This can't be said for story mode however and that needs to still be split between PC and XBOX.
I will submit my Normal any% run to the current horde 3.0 Any% category but I would change the category to Normal Horde 3.0 Any% and add the other 3 difficulties.
I plan on getting between 3-5 runs done and submitted every week for atleast the next 2 months to try and get some baseline set for GOW4 horde runs.
Yeah granted but it would be good advertising for
Hi guys, any reason why there isn't a twitch team? I don't know what it takes to make one but it would be good to start one up?
lol @ gyoo. We all know you're friendly but I still believe its best to put serious suggestions in separate threads. :P
How about a advertise your runs forum.
People can post threads in there to advertise runs to try and get people involved and running the games.
I agree with Pres and Mad. I would of imagined "The Site" forum is exactly what it means. Any topic regarding the website. Surely there's no point having one forum with just one thread in it for feedback?
If separate suggestions where written in it's own thread then it opens it up to interpretation and discussion. If you post an multiple ideas in one thread and everyone is discussing multiple ideas in one thread... = clusterfuck :P