Argentinare_duke13 days ago

While this is not as easy to replicate than the current strat people are using atm, this is a few seconds faster so I wanted to share it in case someone else wants to investigate a bit further, or share any other strats here.

Subsonix, LinoBariana, और StevenMayte इसे पसंद करें
Argentinare_duke3 years ago

So today I did a Leon B run which was pb in the end, but this happened:

In the middle of the valve cutscene I realized that had the srt closed so when I went to open it, windows UAC prompt opened too and it made the game stop for a while.

Because nothing is written in the rules I just wanted some clarification about the pause thing.

Rebirth patch allows to clic outside the game whithout pausing it but it does not prevent things like what happened to me.

Argentinare_duke3 years ago

Hello. Now that the rebirth patch has been approved, do you thing it's possible to add this as a new category in category extensions? what do you think

RapixOnGaming, AlbertFnWesker, और MaterialBurst इसे पसंद करें
Argentinare_duke4 years ago

Hello. Is there any reason for it or it wasn't proposed yet?

Argentinare_duke4 years ago

Hello. I saw there is no VT3 board, so, can I ask here if there is some reason, or is it that just nobody proposed it yet as category? Somebody told me that the game is broken but I couldn't test it on w10. As far as I tested on W7 64 bits it had some ocassional crashes but it still did allow playing if you were lucky with that.

Argentinare_duke4 years ago


This is just a quick reminder of some of the rules, consider this before submitting your runs: For PC runs: Game time must be show on screen either with Livesplit or SRT. You can find this in "Resources" section.

For all categories: Video must show mode and difficulty selection screen, and total game time after credits. Runs that don't follow this will be rejected.

Thanks for understanding and good luck.

JuninhoPaixao2001, Phatzo, और MaterialBurst इसे पसंद करें
Argentinare_duke5 years ago

Hi, just wanted to ask if you can assign, with external software, 2 keys for doing 1 action, like, for example, x and 0 for aim.

re_duke के बारे में
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