For the autosplit problem, did you select the European version in the autoplitter settings? It likely defaults to the American version.
Should meanwhile skip be allowed if we don't know how to replicate it or it takes 6 hours to be consistent? I just got it while doing runs without knowing it even existed. I have no idea what happened. I definitely didn't wait on the title screen for 6 hours, though.
धागा: Lacuna
Sorry for the late reply. Absolutely you can, it’ll be added to the list of platforms!
The guide site has a walkthrough for running in windowed mode using dxwnd: https://sites.google.com/view/102dspeedruns/getting-started/pc-version-setup
Hope that fixes it!
En español? Hay una run traducida aquí: https://www.speedrun.com/mother1/run/yw0pn20m
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