दौड़: The Division
lPRZI1 year ago

yay a run

धागा: The Division
lPRZI1 year ago

i dont need too the glitch in question is the glitch that allows you to go thru walls, this glitch is useful in general assembly and falcon lost. the only reason i brought up the pc only mechanic is because he can switch from a build that has slightly different % on mods or pieces that change and has the possibilities to change everything back, his clear skies run isnt a problem its the fact that he uses is to get a blue then switches (via key-bind) to a tac and there is a prompt that pops up letting you know this has been done. its ok ill learn to work around it but it saves him 3 secs

धागा: The Division
lPRZI1 year ago

You can do the glitch too its not a console only thing but it just seems unfair but ill work around it dw i have thumbs

धागा: The Division
lPRZI1 year ago

I noticed that in one of the runner's video, there is a loadout switch via key-bind that can not be done on any console ps4 or xbox. Why are these mechanics allowed if we cant even do them. I understand the glitch run because its a glitch but this is an in game mechanic that forces me to waste time. i just think it shouldn't be allowed.

धागा: The Division
lPRZI1 year ago

Can there be a section for tier 5 specific runs get a little more interesting.

JustRetroAndy, Banned, और CMETAHYC इसे पसंद करें
दौड़: The Division
lPRZI2 years ago

Yo Blackout? Ge is allowed?

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3 years ago
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The Division
The Division
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The Division
The Division
अंतिम यात्रा 11 months ago