jhedward135 years ago

Trying to get into speedrunning this game but having a big problem. When I watch videos of other people playing the game I see their speed at the bottom and its MUCH faster than mine. Im not a retard, i know how to bhop and strafe very well and yet my speed is so much slower than theirs. I've got goldsrc package installed and working but im still much slower. For example when watching Nyu, at the beginning of his strafe/jump he is almost instantly going over 450 units when hes not even at the peak of his jump. As for me, strafing literally perfectly. I cant even manage to hit 400 units in one long jump. Trust me im not retarded ive been bhopping and KZing in cs go for years i know how to strafe. The only explanation i can think of for this is bunnymod is the only thing not working? I really dont know. Please help though

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5 years ago
5 years ago
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