
This is great. While I’m on a hiatus from streaming, I’d like to help you revamp this. I can help with a guide as well. I’d also like to raise a concern, I do think emulators should be reconsidered and put in their own category. Because in my experience, I’ve done runs where I played a video of a emulator run and they were getting through cutscenes before I finished mine and it’s a second or two for sure. To me that should be looked at. This isn’t the first time this has been brought up so I think it’s good to address it now.

I know I’m super late to the party and that my opinion may not matter. I also don’t want to sound like I’m being a jerk. But I’m the current 2nd place runner by 15 seconds. I did a test today by starting at the exact same time as the WR run. And I would get into a load time faster then the WR run and then his screen would go to the next screen before I would finish loading. Yes it’s a small difference, but I mean it does kind of add up.. Is it possible to bring this back into discussion? I don’t wanna sound like a sore loser because that’s not who I am. But it’s frustrating. I’ve done 400+ attempts of the run and looking at that run and it definitely makes a difference. if no one else agrees that’s fine. I just wanted to put my 2 sense in there

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