Both, yes.
If you have any further questions it can be discussed in the Speed Stars discord, link is in the forum.
Other Initial D games use IGT, and I feel like it more accurately represents skill level since there's barely any menuing and the game gives you your race times at the end of each one.
If it becomes an issue then I'm okay with hearing people out on why RTA would be better if it comes to that.
I doubt anyone here knows about me and I definitely don't have as much experience with speedrunning as Goose and Authorblues so I just look like a misinformed idiot but I still want to give my opinion and I hope it's appreciated because I don't find myself agreeing with most people when it comes to this.
Firstly, I don't believe you should let an optimised WR stop you from running a game. Like I'm not a top contender in the game I run but I like seeing how much I can push myself a lot, and that's what I find appealing about speedrunning. However, I feel like some people don't realise that speedrunning IS a hobby, and you can get into a hobby for a variety of reasons. If you're competitive and care about "glory" or whatever then no shit you'll probably want to get a world record. If you just like seeing how far your skill can be taken in a game, then you'll probably just want to get your time down as far as you possibly can. I don't think either mentality is bad, and I'm sure there are other reasons to start doing runs of a game you're interested in.
Secondly, calling people out and saying they're hurting the growth of the speedrunning community is just kinda dumb and is sort of counter-intuitive. If you really want to help a community grow I think you should accept people of all mentalities, no matter how much you disagree with them. I'm sorta tired of someone posting something even a little controversial on twitter and having it start a ton of drama. Like there are a ton of speedrunners I don't agree with and refuse to watch their streams because of how I've been treated in them but outside of bringing it up a few times to make a point I really don't care. If I don't like someone I'll just ignore them, if you wanna harm the speedrunning community less stop with the twitter beef lmao
I kinda forgot the point I was trying to make and I'll probably regret making this post and will most likely get shit for it but I'm just kinda annoyed at self-righteous people who think their mentality is better than everyone else's and all who disagree are idiots. I guess this post could maybe be seen that way so I'll say that I don't agree with quicklyplease's post at all, however, if he wants to get into a game to get a WR then all the power to him. Everyone should have a motivator when it comes to speedrunning I think, and if getting a WR is that then cool
no never run this game the only reason why any of us do it is because Hideki Naganuma has kidnapped us in order to get sick JSR Any% times and makes us play it at gunpoint
if the other dude has a completely different outlook on the game to the rest of the community don't reinstate him as a mod, keep the demo 5 category up and allow him to verify those runs if needs be but tbh the submission rules there are a little annoying (60 FPS with no framedrops? my PC isn't that good and I can't exactly predict how the capture will go, if it messes up and drops a few frames suddenly my run is invalid?)
This entire controversy has made me try the game out though lmao so if anything goods come out of all this it might be that
Are runs on the PS4 version allowed? Just asking since it's technically an emulated version of the ps2 version
Couldn't find anything saying whether or not they're allowed but I'm probably not looking hard enough