ええ、違いますね。 それで、EasyとNormalを分けました。PCのNormalもPSPのと違いますが、それをどうするかは後で決めましょう。
src admins won't make pages for the other games unless i contact the admins of the sonic fan games page, and the sonic fan games page folks aren't responding to the new games submission form they have up, so i made pages here.
i'm upset.
(i am also upset by your consistency on oil ocean 2 but that's on me for refusing to kick Tails out of the party.)
one thing that i did discover that I haven't gotten into a run yet is that you can clip through the fans at the beginning of Wing Fortress by bouncing off the wall below the fans and then hitting them from below. if you're planning on grinding out more runs, you'll probably want to incorporate that; it's not too hard.
Agreed, done.
I agree in principle; I've mostly just been too lazy to try to figure out how to use the RTA-TBC timer. But retiming the two runs shouldn't be too hard; I may just do this if I have downtime during work tomorrow...
Iwould like to request mod status for Children of Zodiarcs (https://www.speedrun.com/Children_of_Zodiarcs). Run has been waiting for approval for three months, only mod has not been online in four months.
I would strongly argue that Evil Lord 30, Princess 30, and Knight 30 are just glorified IL's of very bad levels. I did make IL entries for them though...
The main issue regarding all-stories runs (other than the fact that I [somewhat biasedly] consider All Stories% Neo not a real category) is certain issues with the game's programming make using non-IGT problematic. Most notably, this run would be substantially faster (like 5%) played on a Windows XP machine... Still, I've gone ahead and added it for retro, since I see it's something you're strongly interested in.
Hey all,
After seeing 茶メガネ's run in RTA Japan, I started relearning the game... And in the process, found a glitch I have uncreatively titled Item Canceling. Basically, by using an item on the exact same frame as a cutscene trigger, you can cancel the cutscene. This includes cutscenes for entering levels. Yup.
This glitch changes the feel of the run sufficiently enough that I feel justified in creating a new category for runs that don't use it. I did so, and moved the old any% runs into it.
If you have any thoughts/objections to any of this, I'm more than welcome to hearing them.
yes, you are welcome to release them.
i've just been busy. i do intend to get back to them sooner or later.
Like, specifically banning out the Infinite Lord ones?
Not sure if I would really get behind that...
I mean...
my stance was always that it would involve too much grinding, but if you want to run it, I can add it.