धागा: Multiple Mario Games
Here is what 3D Mario 284 has to offer.
Super Mario 64 70Star
Super Mario Sunshine Any%(44 Shine)
Super Mario 3D World Any%(170 green Star)
I would like to see a category added for these three games totaling 284. There are a few games in CE that have 3DW in the games that do the execution, but they all have long games such as SMG/SMG2 and I don't think they can be done casually. So I would like a category that takes about 4 hours to complete and we have run 284 relays.
Here is the VOD for your reference.
VOD of RESTREAM. I can submit vods for each runner if neededhttps
Oh_my_gourdness और grntsz इसे पसंद करें
1 से 5 का दिखाया जा रहा है 5 में से
denrta के बारे में
JP speedrunner.
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