Stacking tetrominoes to clear lines at the top is just starting with 4 or 5 height but with a lot more RNG
Yeah I've messaged the super mod of this game to add you, since I can't do it myself as a regular mod. Also for the record I am also opposed to these leaderboards existing but clearly people like them lol
That seems fair, I don't think any of us are actively moderating anymore and personally I have no interest in these leaderboards.
idk why this thread is back but its completely personal preference, but most consider cpad to be much harder than dpad (only 1 or 2 people have ever been good at cpad)
New centralised location for Cat Planet/Super Cat Planet discussion!
I know there have been a few people asking for this, so here it is!
New centralised location for Cat Planet/Super Cat Planet discussion!
So today a glitch which freezes the timer was discovered by our reigning any% WR holder, aqwii. If you quit to menu, but manage to die after the pop sound, the timer will be frozen when you get back into the game.
Obviously it's not allowed on the leaderboards, but it's an interesting glitch which made a sub 20 second run possible. Currently 19 seems to be the limit, but who knows, maybe with super optimised movement 18 is possible.
Thanks for that explanation, I was wondering why it seems harder to do it in the overworld.
So I timed some different 100% strats for the 3rd last room in 100% (the one where you get the cat all the way on the left, and then go up) cause I thought it could probably go faster
wr strat but bouncing off left wall- 4.616 wr strat- 4.717 going to the right of the low spikes and then up- 4.816 death abuse on high spikes -> no oob strat- 5.183 death abuse on low spikes -> no oob strat- 5.200
Yeah, with failed OOB attempts sometimes you end up in the wrong room, try to get back to the original room, and get warped to a completely different room when crossing a border, it's so weird
Nope, it's allowed, but I guess there will be a category split if something like this is done lol
I'll be honest, I have literally watched that so many times and somehow never noticed there was a height difference lol Yeah, it was used in this run
Wtf, that is absolutely wild, I wonder if some sick 100% OOB TAS can be made with this, maybe even alongside the factory OOB glitch (on that note, some research into what makes that work/if it works anywhere else would be cool)?
Interesting, so you just have to be close to the corner? You don't actually have to go up a room as well as right a room?
Yeah, that's fair enough. What is it with this game and fangame players? Seems like half the people on the leaderboards are part of the fangame community, lol
- this is the most insane thing I have ever seen
- what version of gamemaker did you use to edit the source code? all the old gm81 cracks just don't seem to work for me
- maybe put your tas build in resources? (possibly with something denoting the run as a TAS ingame, so people can't just tas runs obviously)
what the fuck????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Not really, all it really is is flying into the corner of a room so you basically enter multiple rooms at once, so the game gets confused and puts you in the wrong place.