धागा: The Talos Principle
California, USAbrenthberry1 year ago

Hey Imperator, there's some interest in Discord regarding this. If you'd like to join, the link is: https://discord.gg/ACTMyPxndm I'm going to make a couple of changes to the rules for this run, to make it less ambiguous and bit easier/faster. First I'm going to allow resetting at any point. This is a holdover from a different run from a long time ago, and I don't think it should apply to this run. I'm also going to remove the rules that disallow oob (out of bounds), and unintended guided jumps. Figuring out what those mean is very ambiguous and I don't want everyone feeling like they have to ask me, just to do something regarding those in a run. I'll let you know when those changes have been made, so we can start submitting faster runs!

धागा: The Talos Principle
California, USAbrenthberry3 years ago

Nevermind. I just recorded a better run, and it recorded cleanly. Will be submitting it soon. World 26th! Lol.

धागा: The Talos Principle
California, USAbrenthberry3 years ago

I streamed a PB run for All Sigils, and it would place my time to match 26th place. However, my stream apparently dropped out right near the beginning for about a minute. Part one of the stream has me getting the first few sigils in A1, the part that's missing cuts out me getting the last 2 sigils in A1 and the first sigil in A3, then starts again proceeding to the end of the run.

Can I submit this run and have it qualified?

Thanks for your feedback.

California, USAbrenthberry4 years ago

Thanks for checking my run apple1417! I also noticed that I did Third Wheel unintended as well. I'll resubmit a new run soon. I do hope Huber checks back and submits another run.

I appreciate your time! I'm having fun with this!

California, USAbrenthberry4 years ago

I'm totally cool with that. Thanks for the clarification and fast response!

California, USAbrenthberry4 years ago

He also resets at 1:32:45.

California, USAbrenthberry4 years ago

I'm new to speedruning and speedrun.com and I was wondering what the process is to get a run disqualified. I'm working on getting a time to post for the EENIUNOOBNUS run, and I noticed while watching Huber0987's run that he hits the reset button at 41:42 in his posted run. Under the category rules it states: 'No restart checkpoint, including holding X, you have to walk from level to level.' He is the one who made the category, and I would try to message him first, but I'm still under the 7 day waiting period for new accounts to message others. In my opinion he should either submit another run, or clarify the rules of this run further, so that the dumpster fire run that I'm going to post in the next day or two doesn't replace his due to a rules technicality. I'd love to hear others' opinions on what should be done in this situation.

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The Talos Principle Category Extensions
The Talos Principle Category Extensions
अंतिम रन 4 years ago
The Talos Principle
The Talos Principle
अंतिम रन 3 years ago
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The Talos Principle Category Extensions
The Talos Principle Category Extensions
अंतिम यात्रा 1 year ago