bluewiregaming7 years ago
यह टिप्पणी हटा दी गई है
bluewiregaming7 years ago

Hmm, Are you sure it has to do with the Japanese rom itself or the emulator/settings? Have you tried the other rom to see? (also what version of dolphin are you using, I'd like to give it a go as well)

bluewiregaming7 years ago

So I drummed up this google doc to temporarily use to log best scores for every song in the game at various difficulties. Please let me know If I missed anything. Also I will be updating this hopefully frequently (this is not a submission form yet but perhaps will be soon)


bluewiregaming7 years ago

@congamer sorry for the back-to-back posts but Perhaps a difficulty could be agreed upon? I do get the argument of having non-speedrunning leaderboards on a speedrunning site so perhaps we could use another site (I have my own I could host a leaderboard on)

I get the concern though. Wouldn't want the board cluttered with useless stuff, especially when we still have a few empty sections

bluewiregaming7 years ago

Kek, Well considering he isn't checking the forum and we want ILs added I'd beg to differ. Does he know of the forum? Perhaps we could direct him here. Don't get me wrong he is good at being prompt when reviewing submissions but we need a moderator that will check the forums often, listen to the community, and add new categories if necessary. Also would anyone here be interested in a community discord for the game or series (if one does not yet exist)

bluewiregaming7 years ago

@OverworldYT What's so wrong with that? Multiple people have expressed interest in seeing a TAS of it so whats the big deal :P Initially yes different TAS runs could be use to find small optimizations in this already tight run. Furthermore (what I'm really excited about) is doing individual level TAS on the hardest difficulty. So we can see what hitting every note perfectly every time would be like. That's whats got me hype about it at least

bluewiregaming7 years ago

Perhaps we should drum one up to request in the global moderation request thread. Only problem would be explaining that although we have 1 active mod for the game, He does not check the forums and is unable to see what categories we the people would like added. (I say this would be a problem because normally inactivity is the only reasons for removal, replacement, or adding a new mod)

I've been trying to get in contact with the super mods for the series (as I'm pretty sure they can mod people) and one has responded once or twice but has not done so since. Perhaps we give em a bit more time.

bluewiregaming7 years ago

Kek, Dontcha worry peeps. Hopefully we can get some moderation help here soon. Anyway I just realized that we also need to make sure the meter difficulty is set universally. In the setting you can change it for free mode. It increased the rate at which your dance meter deteriorates.

Also @stardust1647 has anyone else made a moderation request?

bluewiregaming7 years ago

Since the timing for individual songs would be the same. I'm suggesting we do it by score instead. This way its about beating a certain song on a set difficulty and competing for the greatest score. What do you guys think of this idea? Any further suggestions? Feel free to let me know

धागा: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

Oh I'm listening Bucko' I have been. Now as far as taking what I've heard seriously I still can not. Again I ask what does this 'chilling out' entail and what will it accomplish? Am I to stop posting on the forums altogether (no matter the thread?) or stop submitting runs altogether? Just log out for two weeks? Is that the suggestion? If so that's baffling to see. I've already stopped posting runs under that game (out of honestly a lack of faith) and am focused on other games entirely for now. Still what's happened to me is appalling and even more disheartening to see the reaction. It's funny ya know, how you say "if they reject your run" then we will be behind you. 1 I'm telling you, as I have before that they are unforgiving and do not want me in 'their' community. 2 why not just be behind me now? I mean even if you are annoyed at me "spamming" the forum you still can't contend the point that I was unfairly rejected nor justify the removal of my older runs.

It's as if we still don't want to deal with the elephant in the room: a lack of accountability for the moderators of bfbb

EDIT: No longer posting. I'd like to request that you do not ban me as I am running another game and still want to submit times. I'll "chill out" for 2 weeks but I'm telling you. Nothing will come of it. What a way to resolve the issue -.-

bluewiregaming7 years ago

Alright sounds good! Post it here when its done or if you'd like some help just hit me up :P

I know it sounds a bit far fetched but maybe theres some manipulations possible on TAS that could 'speed up' bits of the game. (eg fine tuning B-D Scores for most optimal times possible and getting good minigame RNG)

It'd be cool to see how optimized we can get it, and then how close we can get irl.

Bat इसे पसंद करता है
bluewiregaming7 years ago

I couldn't find one yet so perhaps it'd be worth while to make one! For one we could see ideally what a frame perfect run would look like, as well as hit controlled RNG on the mini-games. TASing on dolphin hasn't worked out well for me in the past but I can give it a go again for the sake of doing this. That is unless anyone else would like to pick it up/would be interested.

sub56 would be cool

Bat इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

Seeing how people would want me banned you would think I was doing something like this guy: http://www.speedrun.com/run/0zn5gj9z (what kind of mod approves that) Instead of that I actually submitted a serious run with the video provided. This person puts a completely unrelated video and gets the free WR. Sure its in a silly game, but so is my situation. The point is why is that stuff getting approved while my legitimate submission was rejected AND (once again gotta mention) my old runs removed. Just doesn't seem right

HighPriest इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

"I'm not going to tell people they have to put up with people who flame all over the forums." So is it just okay that they rejected my runs out of spite and are being brutishly unfair? All because I'm 'flaming' by creating a bunch of posts about it ONLY because this is my only way of voicing my grievance and predicament. I am banned in every other way (within that games community) and as I have said "cooling off" will not solve anything. If that would actually work then perhaps I'd be laying low but as I've explained they are not willing to reason with me and no amount of "cooling off" will change that. It is honestly sickening hearing justifications being made for this gross and abhorrent misuse of power without further investigation into the issue being performed.

None of this would have even happened if they did not act out of spite and vitriol in rejecting my perfectly fine runs. The fact that this is just permitted to continue is appalling and my faith in this websites integrity is deteriorating. What the heck happened...

Edit: The initial rejection of my runs and removal of my older runs has still not been addressed. Even if I were to concede that now I am flamming what difference should that have on the initial incident that sparked this mess: a moderator abusing power to reject runs because of personal problems with the person submitting it. (and then the community leader backing him up)

Edit 2: @Timmiluvs " practice offline, do some more runs, do whatever just don't submit anything" You can't be serious can you? "we know it is unfair" I mean read above for full context but wow. "you're intentionally ignoring the best advice we have for you right now." Yes, yes I am because I still have not heard 1 way in which that is going to resolve the issue.

HighPriest इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

@babysapling I'm not too sure about your accusations against Pac because honestly I've seen em' do no wrong. I do however know that SHiFT the community head threatened sending emails to Pac about me although I'm not sure he acted on that threat or that anything came of it. I'll withhold my judgment for now but so far Pac hasn't even been involved in this whole mess (concerning myself and my rejected runs)

If you have proof to substantiate those claims then by all means provide it but I think it a bit hard (and this is coming from me of all plebs) to jump to such conclusions and accusations. This does appear however to be a hit piece on Pac by baby so I think its safe to assume that theirs more to the story between these too.

Edit: @Drakodan is profanity allowed on the boards?

YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

@PresJPolk it means emulator world record (nearly worthless in most peoples opinion)

I still don't see what good waiting is going to do. I get that it is pretty much my only option at this point but that still doesn't necessarily make it the right or just action. Especially when it appears that no review of the mods behavior is being fleshed out. Rather it is expected that by 'laying low' that is to solve the issue on its own. To that I must protest that the mods for the game have already stated they wan't me excluded from the community and will not accept any kind of apology/do not want to talk this out.

EDIT: they even changed the rules for the category because of me -.- (probably to try and justify rejecting AND removing my old runs even when most of them in no way fall into this categorization)

"Submissions with disrespectful/profane comments and/or media will be rejected. " Was added

Aren't we getting a bit language police-ey here? What do people classify as disrespectful and profane? Isn't that a bit subjective bucko? My point is anyone can find anything "disrespectful" and "profane" Heck the comment that started this all was tagged with a run I submitted "your favorite troll" which apparently is profane and disrespectful in their OPINION. Key word opinion. I'm sure plenty of other people would both condemn or protect what I said so why have it up to such subjective measures of the moderators own opinion at the time?

HighPriest इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

I thought I did provide that last time... May have to look back a bit in the thread. ANYWAYS heres this ones proof: Proof of unjustified rejection: http://prntscr.com/e3peue (As you can see I even had my splits uploaded) Video of my run (on YT) EDIT: The blur in the top left is to protect myself from their retaliation (was added in youtube editor) I'm pretty sure my recent broadcast would still be there too.

Also again gotta love no accountability for corrupt mods. Asking me to 'cool down' isn't going to solve anything. They have already said they are not willing to sort this out with me and don't want me in the community.

EDIT 2: Furthermore we haven't resolved the issue of them removing my older runs (thereby removing me from the stream list too) locking and deleting every thread I make in the game forum (yes even ones with civility and honest questions ABOUT the game) without response. I feel like I am at least owed a better reason than "." Do other mods for other games get away with this sort of stuff?

Zippycrow77, Rederax, और HighPriest इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

I submit a clean run, No comment attached. I wasn't under the cutoff for emulator times. I complied with every rule and a video is attached (along with the ability to view the actual stream I did it on)

I know this is lame but my time would be the EMU WR (amongst like 7 other people) but instead my run gets rejected with the reason "."

Just "." That is not a reason.

Rederax और HighPriest इसे पसंद करें
bluewiregaming7 years ago

What a reasonable and respectful response ;)

BFBB for GBA is pretty viable ;P

Why not have a SB marathon? :P sounds like it'd be good fun

Edit; I get that this is 2 months old. Just wanted to spark the convo. Keepo

धागा: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

Sorry for the extra post but it IS relevant and pertinent.

And Now he's (SHiFT) talking about rejecting another player even saying "so honestly I don't want him to run it either" (talking about this other player) He continues: "its unfair, but it makes us look terrible. Thats just the way it is. People don't forgive"

There it is folks straight from the horses mouth. HE KNOWS ITS UNFAIR and says ehh so what, they make us look bad. Think I'm taking him out of context? see for yourself-Heres the proof: https://gyazo.com/7d494872c04d346400944d63a095e830

Now do you see how ridiculous this person is. He sees it as HIS community that HE controls and anyone he doesnt like should be ousted

YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करता है
bluewiregaming के बारे में
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