धागा: I Wanna Be The Guy
avengah9 months ago

What does D+ mean, and which boss does it work on?

धागा: Disc Room
avengah1 year ago

It's the special Breaker in one of the ???? rooms (I think the WSW one). That is the extra 65th disc. (We could call it Hyper Breaker, going with the naming scheme for other upgraded discs maybe?)

धागा: Not Tonight
avengah2 years ago

There seems to be a glitch in the ending where drugs don't affect the outcome, but accepting a single bribe makes Jupp think you bought the rhino head. (And buying the rhino head also makes him think you bought it.) I still wouldn't sell drugs though in a pure run, to keep with the spirit of it (plus there's always the chance a patch may change it). So don't buy the rhino head AND don't accept a single bribe to not get marked down there.

You get marked down for doing at least 3 optional London Wall jobs (-2 points) but get a neutral result for doing 0-2. The mandatory job counts towards becoming Head Bouncer, so you can become Head Bouncer and still only have done 2 optional jobs, thus get the non-negative result.

You can buy the Jarhead set and use it up to three times without being penalised. Jobs where the Jarhead set is required don't count towards the total, even if you're wearing it when you leave the flat. You don't need to be wearing the standard clothes for the final job; you change automatically so the Speedy set might help for speedrun purposes.

The House Party in Chapter 1 counts towards becoming Head Bouncer at the House Party in Chapter 3, making the poison quest easier.

The social credit cutoff point is 50, not 80. So you're safe to take a couple more risks if you want, not that you probably will in a pure run. But if selling drugs, it might mean you can wear the Heavenly set more rather than the Debonair set.

The Steam guide is also wrong about the fact that if you let Shannon in, even once, you can never make her happy. The only requirement is to give her all the records. I'm pretty sure you do have to give in to Tarquin's blackmail though, as refusing him and taking the social credit hit results in him accusing you of selling him drugs at the trial, even if you didn't sell any drugs.

More here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/733790/discussions/0/3734079567823158183/

EDIT: Money from drugs sold adds to both the drugs and bribes counters, so you can't sell any drugs or accept any bribes to get the perfect ending.

There is supposed to be a Galahad sidequest involving him asking you to train him (14/7, 21/7), then eventually you have the option of giving him the Spy Kit on 28/7. The quest is meant to be triggered after completing King's Head 3 2, but bad syntax in the resources file causes it not to trigger. Maybe this will be patched later but it's looking unlikely now.

GreenlandIsBad इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: A Dark Room
avengah2 years ago

In the browser version. Worth knowing as it may affect runs and making sure they're in the correct category.


धागा: Candy Box 2
avengah2 years ago

As I said in my other thread (in case anyone missed it), I am not normally much of a speedrunner, preferring to take my time and do everything. But in this case I have decided to attempt one.

Going for two categories: 100% and Super RPG. I may do it in one run, as my candies route plays the games to skip grinding. They are lucrative in the early game and don't take long.

My 100% will be stricter than the current All Items run; I'll explain later but basically "Do everything at least once", meaning at least one of every gift, all optional stuff done etc. I will set an arbitrary goal of 2,000 points in Galactic Wars, and Floor 24 in Super RPG + defeat 2/3 monsters / Floor 3 (same rules) in Hard Mode. I am really confident that my own strats, not using the ones others have used, will work really well! I'll go for some attempts later today.

धागा: Candy Box 2
avengah2 years ago

There's only one run in the category, but it buys the Sorceress's Hat with the computer at the end. However, the run as it is would probably be quicker if you grind the Developer and X-Potions a bit to get a billion candies, use lolligators to convert them to lollipops then buy the Sorceress's Hat before doing the teapot twice (to get both the upgraded and regular spoon). If you put 5 Pains au Chocolat into magic and position yourself just on the right of the teapot (using Obsidian Wall and Boots of Introspection), you can sit there with the scythe and spam demons without getting hit. It's much quicker this way than the way in the current run.

Using the computer seems to me a copout given that you can grind the Developer with the Merchant's Hat a few times, then use X-Potions to get tons of candies. It might take a few minutes to grind, but it's quicker than doing the teapot twice without the Sorceress's Hat, so I think banning the computer won't make the runs take ridiculously long.

EDIT: I am not normally much of a speedrunner, preferring to take my time and do everything. But in this case I have decided to attempt one.

Going for two categories: 100% and Super RPG. I may do it in one run, as my candies route plays the games to skip grinding. They are lucrative in the early game and don't take long.

My 100% will be stricter than the current All Items run; I'll explain later but basically "Do everything at least once", meaning at least one of every gift, all optional stuff done etc. I will set an arbitrary goal of 2,000 points in Galactic Wars, and Floor 24 in Super RPG + defeat 2/3 monsters / Floor 3 (same rules) in Hard Mode. I am really confident that my own strats, not using the ones others have used, will work really well! I'll go for some attempts later today.

grogugamer20 और Serphal इसे पसंद करें
दौड़: Candy Box 2
avengah2 years ago

Teapot is quicker if you use Obsidian Wall to put yourself just on the right of it with Boots of Introspection, and spam demons because they can't hit you there but you can still hit the teapot with the scythe or Giant Spoon of Doom. You can grind the Developer and X-Potions to get a billion candies, which you can change to lollipops with lolligators and get the Sorceress's Hat - this makes the demons more powerful and fire faster, so you will beat the teapot quicker. Probably quicker this way than using the computer afterwards to get the hat.

EDIT: (If you're using the computer anyway, you might as well use it to give yourself the lollipops for the hat before beating the teapot with the scythe and demons. You might as well give yourself loads of Pains au Chocolat, put them into magic and power and beat it more quickly that way. I think using the computer is kind of a cop out when you can get everything legitimately with 5 Pains au Chocolat in magic and 8 chocolate bars to upgrade everything... An all items run can be trivialised with the computer so it might be better to ban it for an all items run.)

धागा: Terranigma
avengah2 years ago

Just for completeness' sake I took a couple more screenshots. One is my stats with Enbu Pike and Red Armor equipped (so highest Player Strength of 123, although the 1 is obscured by the word Strength), and my HP is 964 because even though the cap is 999, this cap is only applied after calculations, so the 11 Life Potions cancel out 55 of the HP loss caused by the Red Armor. And the other shows my endgame inventory. If I wanted, I could have kept the Jail Key but I wanted to do everything, which meant I had to use it. But not saving White Wind changes nothing except a bit of dialogue in Loire's first state. I have 9 of the first 7 items, plus 9 Crystals, Flowers and Logs, and 1 of everything else on there.

https://imgur.com/a/y8Fiws3 https://imgur.com/a/9x6UIIC

As for using my 102 Magirocks, I have 3 of every magical item except 2 Geo Rings and Snow Rings, but I have since discovered that Horn Pins do absolutely nothing after extensive testing, other than preventing you using another one within 10-12 seconds ( https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/588784-terranigma/80138999 ) so next time I won't be getting 3 of them! I don't really use much magic, and I found Bloody Mary easy with the Silver Pike so didn't need any magic there, but I have messed about with it and I find Geo Rings particularly useless because they just stun ground enemies, deal no damage but also don't let you harm them until the stun wears off. It means there's only one Earth-elemental magic ring, the Sky Ring, as a result (but the Sky Ring is the only thing that can destroy the turrets on the airship! 0 EXP so pointless).

धागा: Terranigma
avengah2 years ago

It's the regular English version.

On YouTube you ended up with 802909 EXP.

Basically the cap is 999999 but it shows ------ because there is no Level 51 (it's not saying it's at the cap with the ------, it's just saying there is no next level). The cap is definitely 999999, I've reached it twice now. Try it, and you'll see you still gain EXP until you reach 999999.

And you reach Level 50 at 802435. http://shrines.rpgclassics.com/snes/terranigma/levels.shtml https://www.terranigma.be/index.php/XP_Table

धागा: Terranigma
avengah2 years ago

Sorry for late reply.



धागा: Crusader of Centy
avengah2 years ago

I wonder which two the person who wrote the rules forgot about? Or was it just a typo?

धागा: Terranigma
avengah2 years ago

The XP cap is at 999999, I just checked. Took a while but got there :) Thanks.

धागा: Terranigma
avengah2 years ago

I was watching some Magirock% videos and I don't understand why every player I watched speaks to the man, then the woman, then the man again in Yunkou while doing the Chija sidequest. You don't need to speak to the woman, unless that's something they changed in the English version; just speak to the man twice to progress the quest.

धागा: Terranigma
avengah2 years ago

I see. Thanks! Does it also include opening all chests? And do you use the potions or just keep hold of them (which means you'd have to use or trash two life potions)? And what about the mermaid glitch where you end up with 102 or 103 Magirocks? (I'm assuming it's a glitch; it doesn't look like it was intended.) And do you get to Level 50? That's a hell of a grind, but it could be considered true 100%!

...so I just watched bits of it towards the end, and I noticed you maxed out your money but not your EXP... any reason for that? Does EXP max out at 999999? And I'm surprised you didn't use your potions, because with the Red Armor active, Life Potions still work at Level 50.

And you probably know this but the Enbu Pike does more damage than the Hero Pike past Level 35, due to the game's damage formula. Not that it matters at such high levels, but if you're going for the highest damage possible against Dark Gaia... And elemental weaknesses are huge. Even the lowly Fire Pike does four-figure damage against the ice enemies in Eklemata, and the Sea Spear destroys the Yetis!

EDIT: For true true 100% you should keep an extra Ra Dewdrop, Snowgrass Leaf, 9 Logs and 9 Crystals in your inventory!

I have a question. Why do you go into the box at the start of Simon Says? You can reach the doll by running, before the first speech ends. Unless it's different in the Japanese version?

EDIT 2: I was wondering something else. So the Enbu Pike becomes equally as strong as the Hero Pike at Level 35, and stronger at 36+. Is there a point at which the Pro Armor gives you higher defence than the Hero Armor? Because I don't know the defence formulas but given that player strength is worth more than weapon strength, I would assume that player defence is worth more than armour defence. However, the Pro Armor lowers attack, so of course it's a tradeoff, but I love the fact that the Pro Armor resists almost all statuses so I tend to prefer it over the Hero Armor. Earlier on, the Kung Fu Dogi is actually pretty good because it gives +8 Strength so if you don't mind having lower defence and are either before Mosque or don't like the Red Armor's downsides, it's a viable alternative. And it's fantastic against the Security Robot as it resists Attack and Defence Down statuses.

EDIT 3: Just done some more testing and player defence is indeed worth far more than armour defence, at my current level of 39. The Red Armor has armour defence of +44 but -15 player defence, so I tested it against the Vest Armor with +29 armour defence. So with the Vest Armor I have 15 less armour defence and 15 more player defence. Testing against Dark Gaia's final form, I was being damaged by about 28-39 a hit with the Red Armor and about 6-12 a hit with the Vest Armor.

Actually, I just found a player defence formula: (Lv+7)/12 x Con + armor DFP ( https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/snes/588784-terranigma/faqs/78151 ). So for the Pro Armor to be more effective than the Hero Armor, (Lv+7)/12 x 11 must be >23. Solving this, we get Lv>26. At 26, it's equally as effective. At 27, it's more so.

Hence if you don't mind the hit to your Strength, the Pro Armor is definitely the way to go at high levels, especially when enemies can inflict statuses. Against the final boss that's less of a problem as the Pro Armor doesn't protect against toasting or freezing, so at that point it's just about whether you prefer more attack power or more defence. The -12 Strength is quite a hit to take, but if you're overlevelled it really won't matter.

EDIT 4: Part of me thinks the 102/103 Magirocks thing is intentional. That's because in a perfect file at Level 50 with all potions used, you will have Strength, Defence and Luck of 103 before equipment modifiers, so having 103 Magirocks fits in with that. It doesn't look as neat on the English version with 102, but I think the quiz was only removed due to lack of time or space, so technically it should have been 103 I think. Still, it may just be a coincidence and still an unintentional glitch.

धागा: Terranigma
avengah2 years ago

I found Z4T0X's true 100% run on Twitch here:

But I don't speak German so I have no idea what's going on; what the definition of "true 100%" is here. Can someone explain it, please?

avengah3 years ago

No video, sorry - you need to come out of the statue while still falling though, and pull right while the momentum is still pulling you down.

avengah3 years ago

I used to collect this one with the Tanooki Statue to beat the bubbles. Might be worth adding that method to the guide.

Also I don't remember the tail flick working to hit giant blocks in the NES version of the game, so in World 4-5 you need the Koopa shell I think.

धागा: Deltarune
avengah3 years ago

I don't know if this matters but I was able to kill King in 8 turns even while missing a few crits, with the Devilsknife. That's a whole 2 turns quicker than Shayy's 10 turns in his world record run.

EDIT: I did the calculations.

Turn 1: Susie Talk, Attack, 75 damage Turn 2: Attack all, 315 damage Turn 3: Red Buster, Attack, 485 damage Turn 4: Red Buster, Attack, 485 damage Turn 5: Attack all, 315 damage Turn 6: Red Buster, Attack, 485 damage Turn 7: Attack, Rude Buster, Attack, 440 damage Turn 8: Do what you want, 200 health remaining if you hit all crits

So you can miss many crits and still get an 8 turn kill with the Devilsknife. (Or defend with Ralsei once or twice, giving enough TP for an extra Red Buster.)

In an all bosses Chapter 1 run, this may be quicker than getting the Jevilstail and doing 10 turns. But in a full game run, probably not.

EDIT 2: I just recalculated it and realised a 7-turn kill is possible with good grazing. Attack all turn 1, then Defend with Kris and keep Attacking and using Rude Buster, dead! That's 315 + 350 + 5x440 = 2865 damage (65 leeway for missing crits). Tested and confirmed.

धागा: Deltarune
avengah3 years ago

I see. Thanks for the detailed explanation!

ShadowCat इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Deltarune
avengah3 years ago

For a meme category I think it should include Chapter 2's Starwalker scenes, especially if Berdly is picked for the gift as it gives the longest snake! He's not completely useless either: having the original Starwalker adds 5 HP to the Thrash Machine against Giga Queen (capped at 250 though)! Also since it's a meme category why not include the Duck Thrash Machine too? Personally I like colour 2, 4, 0 for a nice yellow duck with orange beak and red feet!

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