दौड़: New Super Mario Bros. 2
दौड़: New Super Mario Bros. 2
Also this is the first Snickerstream IL I've done, so apologies for the poor audio
धागा: Sunset Shores
For 100%, the rules mention that we just need to beat every level and get every star coin. However, it doesn’t mention unlocking every coin gate. Would this also be a requirement, or no?
दौड़: New Super Mario Bros. 2
Have gotten 438, but choked 439. Currently am trying to get that lol.
दौड़: New Super Mario Bros. 2
59 is possible, but don't know about 58. I keep tying 59.
There are Any% and 100% IWs (Individual Worlds) and ILs (Individual Levels) you can speedrun. The drop-down where “Leaderboards” is should allow you to see “Individual World RTA” and then there’s both Any% and 100%.
Oh_my_gourdness और Cads इसे पसंद करें
दौड़: New Super Mario Bros. 2
दौड़: New Super Mario Bros. 2
427 is possible, just haven’t uploaded it yet because I’m lazy lol
1 से 20 का दिखाया जा रहा है 82 में से
ajl721 के बारे में
NSMB2 100% Speedrunner + WR Holder, NSMBUDX 100% Speedrunner, and future SMMfN3DS 100% Speedrunner
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