Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

yeah it helps a lot :) I didnt go into the AK area, because i kinda couldnt find it, but i will fire up my ps4 later when i'm home and then i will edit with the results. Thank you so much for your help :)

Edit: IT WORKED!! Thanks soooo much :)

Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

Hey everyone,

today i finally got the Collection for ps4 because it was on sale, and i immediately started to learn the Any% route by watching a few runs. Everything went smoothly so far, but now i'm in Chapter 6 i believe and after i clip the wall, i somehow can't advance anymore. I think i may unintentionally skip a loading trigger, because even when i make my way to the balcony where normally the cutscene starts after which you're normally in the jeep, nothing happens. No checkpoint, no cutscene, no enemies. Maybe someone can help me figure out what i'm doing wrong. To help show what i'm doing i recorded this video, starting from my last available checkpoint. Thanks for your help in advance, this run really looks like a lot of fun and i'd love to add it to the games i regularly run :D

धागा: Tomb Raider (2013)
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

Token is right ^^ I will accept runs as long as the times match up.

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

hey miner, i actually made a tutorial which i'm gonna keep up to date for consoles since i'm a console runner myself :) But i have to correct artemis here, the game does NOT crash anymore when you do this. If you need help contact me on youtube, i would recommend learning paths from gravel and sand, just in case you need them. But even tho i rarely make it to Greentechs, i come pretty close everytime. If you need help to get that, i can also help you in a livestream :)

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

sry, saw it too late :S But yeah, i knew the final 3 enemies are there when you arrive xD But i'm testing some stuff down there atm to maybe jump behind the vault door, or even stay oob till we hit the vault 114 door. Now that there arent any enemies, i can even test in piece :D

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

Found a small skip for the beginning of Park Street Station. Has to be executed pretty fast in order to save time, but it also skips spawning all enemies. Anyway, here ya go

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

ah okay, never saw the platform filter before. So, we're talking about 10-12 ish mins difference atm?

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

Hey there,

so, by now i'm pretty sure i'm the only one who even tries to run this game on consoles, but nevertheless, i hope at one point i wont be alone anymore. I had very little time in the last few weeks, to even do practice runs, so naturally, when i came "back" today, first thing i did was catch up and i saw that the runs were about 10mins faster as when i left.

Now, i watched Bubble's glitch guide video, and i noticed the wrong warps (also mentioned in the route paste-bin). My question now is, how much time do these wrong warps actually save? The reason i'm asking this is because, obviously thats not possible on console because we dont have a quickload mechanism. As a matter of fact, i dont even know why we have a quicksave button, if we cant quickload. The only thing that wasnt possible on console at the time of me leaving Fo4 for a bit, was the cover slide to greentechs (memory thing), but now with the wrong warps, i just wonder how much difference there is in the route in terms of time and at what point this would justify its own category for consoles. Don't get me wrong, i will enter my hopefully soon to come complete runs, in the normal any% category, but if the difference is huge, like 5+ mins (and we already have 2ish mins from greentechs cover slide), at some point it wont really be fair to compare. But since i wouldnt beat the current top times even if everything was identical, i dont mind. It's just that at least i'd like to know the limitations of my runs.

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

ok good to know :D thx, wouldve been pretty pissed if i had to redownload the whole game

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

heya, if someone on pc could download the newest patch and tell me if it fixes the following, that would be great:

  • Item climbs
  • Power armor clips
  • Teleports
  • Vendor Glitch

It's a simple backup for you, and a 40gig redownload for me, so i'd appreciate the testing before i download the patch later this week. The reason it's potentially interesting for me, is that it fixes a certain mem-bug that causes the game to crash when entering the area around greentechs genetics. I think this bug may play into console runners not being able to teleport from Museum of freedom to Greentechs like done in the newer runs.


धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

well, i have two theories as to what happens.

A) it's causing a memory overflow. Basically i'm loading an chunk A, slingshot right through it. Now chunk B has to get loaded and chunk A unloaded. But i also slingshot right through this area. So again, chunk C has to get loaded while chunk B has to be unloaded. The problem with this is, that it's happening too fast to handle for console memory. Basically we're loading / unloading whole areas too fast, so the mem overflows and the game crashes. This does NOT happen on PC because Mem access on PC is way easier to programm, thus there are better routines for loading / unloading chunks, and also the mem response itself (depending on the build) might be faster.


B ) currently there is a well know bug across all platforms, that causes the game to crash everytime you get to around Greentechs. It might be that this "stressful" loading / unloading of chunks is causing this to happen even if you are normally not affected.

Anyway, i can't use the same route, so i will either do the old route, which gets the pip-boy, or i'll park the power armor somewhere on the way. Its possible to get so far, that you only have to walk around 1 minute to get greentechs, so i think this route will change in every run depending on where you land and whether or not there is a FT near by

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

ok yeah, it doesnt really work. Or at least i can't 100% confirm if it works. Either i make it slightly past Lexinkton (half way between lex and greentechs) OR (and i think thats where i'm omw to greentechs) the game crashes. @Arctice: the loading times ain't that bad. On a full run they're maybe 3-5 mins longer than in your run

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

Been trying to get the "Museum 2 Greentechs" teleport, but i only rarely get past Lexincton. And even then i only get like half way between lexincton and Greentechs. Any tips on what i could try?

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

interesting.... so that's why you moved the minutemen quest to the beginning of the run instead of keeping it post virgil. thx for clearing that up for me

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

do you do anything in addition to just clipping the wall into the room with the elevator? Because when i do that, my pip-boy is invisible for the remainder of the game, aka it's unplayable

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

Right now it does NOT. BUT, it is the exact same spot which does take you to the institute when you do the BoS questline. The spot above gets blasted open by that big robot and you jump down, loading you into the institute. That's why i thought it would be the optimal spot to get to the institute. So i just used the clipping method to get out of the map and go there, and the shaft you jump down is in fact there, just not an obvious loading trigger. Since testing is extremely hard on console, without cmd etc, i thought i'd share and maybe someone can do something with it :)

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

Okay, so this is just for me or anyone who cares but i'd really like to know what happens when you execute this glitch. Here's what i figure (not figured out, just how i think this COULD work). When you ads (aim down sight) around a cover in 1st person, you have your normal XYZ coordinates which are stored in variables. Whether these belong to the camera object, or the player object doesnt really matter atm. When we ads around a cover in 1st person the coordinates are stored in an object. When we now switch to 3rd person, a 3rd person object is instanciated with the current coordinates. We move around, and the coordinates are getting updated inside the 3rd person object. When we now switch back to 1st person however the ads around a cover somehow skips the instanciating of a 1st person object with our current coordinates but rather uses the 1st person object we had just used while ads around a cover (still with the old coordinates stored). Now there should be a discrepancy between the coordinates we have and the coordinates that are stored in the old object (aka we according to the game SHOULD have). So now the code tries to resolve this by moving us to the old coordinates.

This brings into play how movement works.

Again, no insight in this particular engine, but i can speak for some of the popular 3D engines out there. IF the build in physics system is used (And why shouldnt you use it? If bethesda develops its own engine, what i would think they do, why wouldnt they implement a physics system so they didnt have to do it for all projects from scratch?) you generally don't really access the coordinates of the player position, reposition them according to input and then set them to the current coordinates of the player object, because this would almost certainly bypass thin enough walls etc. What you do is you add a force in a certain direction according to input to the player physics object. This would under most circumstances not bypass the physics systems, because if you collide, the force is set to 0.

Now, we have Point A where we were and where the game wants us to be, but we are at Point B. So, whats the easiest way to get us there without actually setting our coordinates in order to not bypass the collision detection? The shortest distance between point A and point B is always a straight line, so logically the game tries to apply a force to our character in exactly that line. Keeping in mind that this is done to not bypass collision detection.

In this particular spot however, we have this debris hill which is an object you can and should collide with. The game adds a massive force to our character to get us back to point A ASAP. For the sake of this argument, lets say within 1 Frame. So, we have this massive force vector directed towards point A and we have a collision along the way. But its not a wall. A wall would just set the vector to (0,0,0). This hill kinda acts like a ramp. Now, if we jump in the right moment, we not only have that B2A-Vector, but also an UP-Vector. These two combined result in a massive Force upwards, giving us the slingshot we need.

So, if this is in any way true, we want to create a line A2B which makes us hit the debris in the right angle, hit jump on top, to get slingshoted towards the roof, right?

I just don't get two things about this.

  1. Why does it appear to only work after the double view change and
  2. How come, sometimes a left or right force is applied instead of a forward one?

This actually has gotten way longer than i wanted it to keep, but whatever. Again, this was a) just a guess as to why and how this works and b) an attempt to get a better understanding of what it actually is what we are trying to do here. Maybe, if we can figure out 100% what happens, we can look for other uses of this.

If anyone has another idea / something to add to this / actual data to support a theory, i'd very much like to see it :D

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

yeah, checked them an hour ago or so :D I'm just worried how keeping the power armor through the last part of the institute will affect my time. The very last clip in the reactor is hard enough with a gamepad as it is. Might need more testing. Also now i'll need to find a consistent set up for this. Thanks again for your input, without it i'd probably have given up on this run in a few days

धागा: Fallout 4
Germanyaimlezz8 years ago

Just got it for the first time :D Sadly.... i died :D But for a short moment, i was up on the roof :D Now to train it for the next few hours xD Anyway, do you need a power armor to survive that fall? Also, thanks so much for your help, if i can get this, i might even be able to finish a damn run xD

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