Prior to the Swordigo discord server being created on 2017-08-29 by drgrumble, we were almost exclusicely using these forums for discussions related to the game. Due to an unfortunate incident which occurred yesterday, we almost lost all of them. However, we did manage to retrieve the most important information. This includes all comments created by all people who ever ran the game, maybe all but most likely only most of the comments created by people who did not run the game, all links and images that were used in the comments and how people interacted with the comments (meaning "X likes this"). One thing to note is that all of these messages were sent in threads. The threads were lost for good. This means that some comments might not make perfect sense as we no longer know about information provided in the thread titles. Also, some comments will seemingly relate to a comment that was sent prior to the comment found right above that. This is because some threads didn't see a lot of activity in a long time before being revived by said comment.
Putting everything into one comment doesn't work becuase it'd be too long. That's why the information is put into multiple posts.
Hello everyone,
I noticed that SRL is no longer using the same URL for profiles. They changed from "!/Name" to "" resulting in all links being broken for now.
I noticed some websites copied the game so if you wonder what the original one is you just found the answer with that link:
I noticed it might be hard to find out where to actually play this game. So here is the link: