धागा: Deeeep.io
British Columbia, CanadaWild_Goose_2 months ago

so recently there have been a few new speedruns, and because the rules are a bit ambiguous, some of the runs have been questionable. this has made me think about how the speedrun should be done, and what changes would take it from being extremely luck based to being more skill based. the idea I came up with is to exclude runs where the player finds a dead body with a bunch of meat, or kills an afk high tier animal. there were a few reasons I think these should be good changes:

  1. It makes cheating runs through using tabs much harder almost near impossible
  2. It eliminates the huge but rare advantage of just finding a dead body from a bot which gives a huge boost in score, literally cutting down a run by over 20 seconds
  3. It encourages making actual strategies for speedruns, instead of hoping for a lucky run, since I think that goes against what a speedrun should be

If during the run you managed to actually kill someone, then the run would still count, but because finding bodies makes runs too luck based, making skilled runs almost redundant and encouraging cheating, I think that there should be a separate category for runs that find meat or an afk player.

anyways, if anyone reads this on here I want to hear what U think

धागा: Deeeep.io
British Columbia, CanadaWild_Goose_1 year ago

barely anything in old versions is different besides the map, if we made a different category after every map change, there would end up being more categories than runs eventually

धागा: Deeeep.io
British Columbia, CanadaWild_Goose_1 year ago

there's not really a reason to now, it's not like you can play on the old version

दौड़: Deeeep.io
British Columbia, CanadaWild_Goose_1 year ago

its.. sped up?

धागा: Deeeep.io
British Columbia, CanadaWild_Goose_2 years ago

yes, it's literally borderline impossible. if you had an average ratio of 75k a minute which is average, it would take you like 22 hours of holding up that ratio and not dying to large teams that are going to snipe, and yes there WILL be snipers.

दौड़: Deeeep.io
British Columbia, CanadaWild_Goose_2 years ago

you like already had xp to evo but ok

धागा: Deeeep.io
British Columbia, CanadaWild_Goose_2 years ago

100m is literally never going to happen, 50 legit has never even happened. tier 1 to tier 10 should be the main category period.

दौड़: Deeeep.io
British Columbia, CanadaWild_Goose_2 years ago

u literally started with xp.... how did this run get verified?

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