धागा: Escape the Backrooms
what do you mean? the lights always eventually go out
धागा: Super Mario Odyssey
yea theres not many glitches that are used in the run the only ones i can think of off the top of my head if you arent a top runner just an average runner are nutclip, fish clip, and scoot clip and thats about all i can think of.
God_gamer4 और GoodGoomba इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Super Mario Odyssey
to be honest its all just up to personal preference, ive heard people say joycons are better and procons are better
yea i used to struggle alot with it, but just practice it a crap ton and you should get it down
धागा: Super Mario Odyssey
give up, flee the country, change your name, remove every phone contact, or get a job and save up enough for a procon, shouldent take too long with a minimum wage job
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