यह टिप्पणी हटा दी गई है
धागा: Diet Go Go
I understand how you feel about doing this again. but It is cheating to touch settings other than difficulty. There is no reason to touch lives.
यह टिप्पणी हटा दी गई है
यह टिप्पणी हटा दी गई है
धागा: Spinmaster
I made a variable. If your run is 1cc, please check with 1cc. This is just an option, but because time attacks are fundamental, there is no impact on ranking changes.
धागा: Spinmaster
I followed a video of someone here. I'll record again. And less than third place(blonze) doesn't mean much. From now on, I will only approve the default setting. I'm sorry for the confusion.
1 से 10 का दिखाया जा रहा है 10 में से
TrueColor के बारे में
सामिल हुए
चलाए गए गेम्स
फ़ॉलो किए गए गेम्स
मॉडरेटेड गेम्स