South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat6 years ago


EOTL1 and 2 are not full-on missions, do not set latest mission passed (nor show any mission passed text) or increase progress. The rules say every mission with a global minimap marker have to be passed; EOTL 1 and 2 do not at any point grant a "mission passed".

Lookas इसे पसंद करता है
South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat6 years ago

Reset just did this and could not recruit homies. Might be version differences?

South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat7 years ago

@Puncture wounds instapass: [quote] 6) Start Puncture Wounds. 7) Blow up the car to fail the remaining Puncture instance. Time it to reset the camera at a convenient time.

  • I have done the IP 10-20 times without mashing to skip the intro cs (like for the Monster dupe, for example) but never softlocked - unless I waited until "mission passed" which happens ages later. [/quote]

You can also mash and skip the cutscene quickly - though it appears to be about 5s slower as you don't end up skipping the asset acquired view, you don't have to actually blow up the car. Probably easier.

sWinTuZ, Blantas और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat7 years ago

If we're looking for parts where he's aiming onto dudes - I searched around in your clips, here's one I noticed from the fourth clip, ~5 seconds in as mentioned by original post, there's these three consecutive frames: https://i.imgur.com/ZsHuLA7.png https://i.imgur.com/VZAYx9Y.png https://i.imgur.com/hPCeDuB.png

Zachoholic इसे पसंद करता है
South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat7 years ago

If you can consistently get them to spawn the way they did in wave 1 and not as spread out as they were in wave 2/3, it should be the same speed as the "usual" position people stand in.

South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat7 years ago

My setup changed quite a bit over time: I also found tab uncomfortable, so I switched to left shift to hold calls, but I used that to jump... so I mapped jump to caps lock. Not the best, but it worked. Got a bit tired of caps lock being randomly on/off after runs + pressing it while having a call held with shift wasn't convenient, so I eventually mapped it to one of my mouse buttons instead.

I also used to use the side mouse buttons for leaning while driving bikes, but RMB was more convenient to press rapidly than the side buttons so now I lean back with the side button, but forward with RMB.

I have honking on MMB, very easy to get to for dealing with cops.

And probably the most minor one... Because of the keyboard ghosting issues, I can't hold WAS at the same time, so I mapped a secondary brake/reverse to X so I can do the 360 in driving school.

ult1matum इसे पसंद करता है
South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat7 years ago

That happens every time - the group of ballas doesn't spawn while looking at them. look away (or down) after finishing the first group and they spawn.

SpeedyFolf, BackmadeJay, और Thunder इसे पसंद करें
South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat7 years ago

"Finally, I do not upload legit speedruns to the leaderboard because I am, probably, untrusted here. Even if I did upload a normal world record or not, it would most likely be rejected anyways. Thus, I believe it is better and more exciting for all of us if you will not know whether I am a good player."

Hey dude. We know you are a good player, a bad player could not make a speedrun this good (even if segmented).

You might not feel like it and that you are "untrusted" but if you do decide to do an RTA speedrun I'm sure it will be accepted.

I know it's an insane amount of work, but is there any chance at all you could do this for the 100% category (or, a new any% one if someone finds enough new strats or a very big new strat)?

Either way, congratulations, amazing run and time. Very good job.

Ryanlima, iden और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat7 years ago

Quarry is not quite an EOTL pattern (EOTL is commonly seen as one mission, but in code is defined as three, to create the 'checkpoint system').

I do agree that quarry clearly is seven missions, and even though the definition of 100% allows duping here because only the "completed asset" (rather than mission completion) grants the percentage, They are skipped missions and this should not be valid for no mission skips.

LaserTrent और Kamiks0320 इसे पसंद करें
South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat7 years ago

The difference is actually a bit smaller than you explained in your post, since stowaway landing to reaching the heli takes about 20 seconds longer than flight school exit to reaching the heli (source: comparing reset's old pb and new pb)

Doing stowaway is still faster though.

South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat7 years ago

Interesting video. I compared the edited-out parts, and they're equal for both sides (2 bloodbowl, outrider, snail trail, ICK -> TLF, monster, flight school (until parachuting), so if there's a fuckup it's not there.

If there is, it might be in the gameplay (it feels like you fell off your bike quite a bit more often in monster route than in highjack route, though I haven't closely compared that).

धागा: The Site
South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat7 years ago

Hi! I would like to request that my name is changed to TriplePat as I have settled on using that name more frequently than PatPatPat (and it already is my name on twitch and in most speedrunny places too)


Zachoholic इसे पसंद करता है
South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat7 years ago

@Shadow_Dog: I was giving the route a bunch of thought overnight, and I think we forgot something major: During all that time calculating at the end, you came to the conclusion that snail trail 0¤ setup is 10s faster than verdant meadows 0¤ setup.

Taking the boat from after monster to zero's takes ~2:15, but deathwarping from monster to zero's is only one minute.

Noahm12345 इसे पसंद करता है
South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat7 years ago

I would agree on making quests part of 100%, adding a bit of mix up and as far as I remember none of them are too tedious or long.

...But to be fair because of their rewards you'd probably want to do them anyway :D

South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat7 years ago

I agree with "all stars", achievements are tedious and pointless because of what you mentioned. Buying out the shop would result in a similar pointless grind at the end too.

South Holland, NetherlandsTriplePat8 years ago

If you reload, yes, it is slower. The video wasn't only showing the "successful" try - ignore the first half of the video and pretend it's only 0:14 to 0:26 and the fact he's on the bike before the mission fully starts.

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