RussiaTier4Jean4 years ago

Thanks for the “amazing runner”, Booskop, I appreciate that. Also thanks for the information about different versions of GTASA (even though I knew this before)

But unfortunately it seems that "you're being a fool", because you don’t even understand what I wrote a few posts above:


I don’t call oPxrcy a cheater (especially malicious cheater)<<<

AGAIN, I DID NOT CALL oPxrcy A CHEATER (learn to read carefully, please). Although I had every right to call him "ch-word", but I don’t want to. Because I see that oPxrcy showed a good / very good skill in some other IL runs, I see that he tried to show a good result, he spent time and effort

But at the same time, I can’t keep silent about the fact that his “world record” on Into the Country IL - IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO WORLD RECORD !!!

Once again, guys, before answering, have you read it properly, what I wrote? :


If the dry figures are not clear enough for you, then just simultaneously run my 2:42 run and oPxrcy 2:41 run on one screen. Even a little earlier than the 2nd minute in-game time you will see that due to a much better driving technique, I am already ahead of oPxrcy (even though an early start gives him more than a second of advantage !!). Also already a little earlier than the 2nd minute IGT, you will see how oPxrcy's race timer begins to lag behind mine<<<

oPxrcy's run: https://www.speedrun.com/gtasa/run/ylkr412z

My run: https://www.speedrun.com/gtasa/run/y89e0gxm


DOES NOT MATTER that the console version is original. In PS2 version, in-game time DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY

If in REAL time, guy A runs a hundred meters in 12 seconds, and guy B in 13. But guy B starts his stopwatch 2 seconds later and announces that he "ran in 11 seconds" - so you will SERIOUSLY consider that guy B is faster?!

This is exactly the situation - I'm a guy A, oPxrcy is a guy B, a broken stopwatch is IGT in the PS2 version of GTASA


If you want to get a better race time, race on console<<<

I am terribly sorry, but this is NOT "a better race time", this is a broken malfunctioning bullsh*t time

Anyway, thank you all for the answers, it was interesting to know the players' opinion about situation with the in-game time working incorrectly on PS2 (and other versions with 30 FPS). Peace

RussiaTier4Jean4 years ago

With all due respect, when a racer who is actually slower than me for a whole second, due to a malfunctioning in-game time SUDDENLY turns out to be "faster" than me; when REAL time 2:44 is determined by the game as 2:41 (!!) - I have every right to call this situation a Cheating Advantage

I don’t call oPxrcy a cheater (especially malicious cheater)

I only say that PlayStation version of GTASA (and other versions with 30 FPS) gives an unfair advantage due to broken IGT (especially for the high title of "optimal platform")

RussiaTier4Jean4 years ago

If you play at 30 frames instead of 25, then in missions where the final result is IGT (not Real Time) - you will have a cheating advantage over 25 frames players

For example, take a look at the “world record” in mission "Into the Country": https://www.speedrun.com/gtasa/run/ylkr412z

Player oPxrcy has “best” result in this mission (actually he has NOT). In-game time of this "wr" is 2:41. But let's look at the REAL time of this run

Youtube video processing has a slight error, however:

Start of the race - 00:11.657 Finish - 02:55.717

02:55.717 - 00:11.657 = 02:44.060 !!!!!

Yes, visually IGT of the Finish of this run is closer to 2:42 seconds than 2:41, but the difference between REAL time and in-game time is still MORE THAN TWO SECONDS (which is ETERNITY for racing)

And now take a look at the “second place” in the same mission: https://www.speedrun.com/gtasa/run/y89e0gxm

This is my run, which in 3 months will be already 3 years old - 2:42 IGT. Again, look at REAL time (plus-minus a small error of Youtube video processing)

00:14.834 - Start of the race 02:57.933 - Finish

02:57.933 - 00:14.834 = 02:43.099

Visually IGT of the Finish of my run is closer to 2:42 seconds than 2:43. The difference between in-game and real time in this run is about one second (still a lot, but NOT MORE THAN TWO SECONDS, as in oPxrcy "2:41" run

If the dry figures are not clear enough for you, then just simultaneously run my 2:42 run and oPxrcy 2:41 run on one screen. Even a little earlier than the 2nd minute in-game time you will see that due to a much better driving technique, I am already ahead of oPxrcy (even though an early start gives him more than a second of advantage !!). Also already a little earlier than the 2nd minute IGT, you will see how oPxrcy's race timer begins to lag behind mine

Once again, oPxrcy's REAL time - 02:44.060, mine - 02:43.099 . But the funniest thing is that if you remove the buggy start of oPxrcy (because I didn't use an early start in my 2:42 run) - his REAL time will be 2:45+ !!! While my real time will be still 02:43.099

THAT'S what I mean by "Cheating Advantage". This oPxrcy guy with mediocre driving technique, even with an early start bug finishes a race 1 second slower than me. Without an early start, on an equal footing, oPxrcy is 2 SECONDS slower than me

So how does this much weaker driver (oPxrcy) set a “world record” in this mission (Into the Country) ?! 30 FPS rush to the rescue, magically turning weak 2:44 into 2:41 !!!

In this situation, I personally see 2 ways out:

  1. Make a separate category AT LEAST for missions where the final result is IGT (not Real Time) for the PlayStation version of GTASA (and similar versions with 30 FPS)
  2. Prohibit the use of PlayStation version of GTASA (and other versions with 30 FPS) in missions where the final result is IN-GAME TIME (not Real Time)

Because so far runners using the PlayStation version of GTASA, have an Unfair Cheating Advantage over players using the PC version. I hope the individual level moderators will read this post and solve the problem of the Cheating Advantage of PlayStation version of GTASA (and other versions with 30 FPS)

crisgamer और YNiekAC इसे पसंद करें
RussiaTier4Jean5 years ago

Congrats with sub4, Reset !!!!


RussiaTier4Jean6 years ago

You misunderstood meaning of my video proof, Mehmet. I just wanted to demonstrate the timing rules for individual levels before “The IL Situation”

For Quarry levels, Pilot School levels, races, etc. we use IGT

While I'm talking about other missions, such as "555 We Tip", "A Home In The Hills", "Against All Odds" etc., missions where we use REAL TIME

᠌ The problem is that "timing ... ends when the mission has been passed." from the current IL rules rules sounds too vague and inaccurate

Blantas, Svenir और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
RussiaTier4Jean6 years ago

"Timing starts upon skipping the initial mission cutscene, and ends when the mission has been passed."

IL rules

᠌ There is no problem with determining the timing start. If I understand the rules correctly, this is NEXT FRAME OR MILLISECOND either after the disappearance of mission name on the black screen, or after interrupting the initial cutscene (because speedrunners usually don't wait for the end of the initial cutscene)


᠌ "Timing ... ends when the mission has been passed."

IL rules

᠌ The EXACT MOMENT, which is the end of the mission, IS NOT INDICATED HERE. Is this the frame or millisecond when the message "mission passed!" appears? Or is it a moment earlier when the HUD appears again after the final cutscene? Or some other option?

᠌ Earlier, before "The IL Situation", the end timing was the appearance of "mission passed!". Proof:

At 0:25 and after you can read:

"Timing ends when you see Mission passed"

᠌ In summary, a request to the moderators - accurately and clearly specify mission end timing in ILs

RussiaTier4Jean6 years ago

Maybe for runs without video proof we need to create a separate category? Like "The museum of ancient historical runs", with all respect to the work of our great ancestors

I understand that I am nobody in GTA SA speedruns (except for several IL's). But still, if THERE IS NO VIDEO for a run - then THERE IS NO EVIDENCE that the run is made without cheating, scripts, cuts, or unacceptable violations of the rules of GTA SA speedruns. You can not even claim that run without video proof EXISTS!

nsx इसे पसंद करता है
RussiaTier4Jean6 years ago

Hello, can I submit a run, which is performed by another player who is currently inactive (9 months already)? Of course, his result will belong to him, not to me. I'm talking about Akzo, and one of his IL's has already been submitted and verified by our moderator and verifier a week ago

Because of this stupid "IL situation" many results of inactive players were lost, and I just want to pay respect to player who was in the first place before me, whose technique I learned to improve 1st place time. The run I want to submit has already been verified before IL's removing, and I even have the exact date of its approval [Tier4Jean, 5 days ago]

᠌ Here is Akzo's run I was talking about:

᠌ The exact date of this run - 12 July 2017. Before the verification of my Quarry 7 record, I made a video proof where you can see Akzo's run, which I want to return to the leaderboard:

Thunder इसे पसंद करता है
RussiaTier4Jean6 years ago

Congratulations on your new Any% WR, lelreset!

᠌ ...finally with sound and HD kappa

RussiaTier4Jean6 years ago

Hello, can I submit a run, which is performed by another player who is currently inactive (9 months already)? Of course, his result will belong to him, not to me. I'm talking about Akzo, and one of his IL's has already been submitted and verified by our moderator and verifier a week ago

Because of this stupid "IL situation" many results of inactive players were lost, and I just want to pay respect to player who was in the first place before me, whose technique I learned to improve 1st place time. The run I want to submit has already been verified before IL's removing, and I even have the exact date of its approval

RussiaTier4Jean6 years ago

Meanwhile one month passed... ᠌ https://i.redd.it/dgm97wm97vi11.jpg

RussiaTier4Jean6 years ago

rip wuzi and blantas

Don't forget darkgeorge12, one of the best racers in GTA SA. He has A LOT of San Andreas IL records (1st places). And other guys with several first and/or prize places in SA individual levels

EllieChan इसे पसंद करता है
RussiaTier4Jean6 years ago

Perhaps from now on deleting the leaderboards with SUCH A HUGE number of records should be HIGHLY PROHIBITED?

If someone (doesn't matter how big his authority is) wants to delete SO MANY records or even entire sections - first HE MUST create an appropriate topic on the forum, OR AT LEAST ask permission to delete such a big amount of data from all GTASA moderators. That is, without the permission of all main moderators, one person (whoever he is) CAN NOT remove a large number of records from the leaderboards

Seriously, speedrun.com/gtasa/individual_levels was probably the world's best database of GTASA IL's with a great amount of World Records (most likely). More than 150 IL's, a minimum of 500-1000 runs on IL leaderboards (maybe much more). Moderation of runs, rules, links to videos, description, several years of work... And now all this... just gone

So once again, the authority to remove a large number of records and entire sections must be STRICTLY LIMITED. What happened with GTASA IL's, MUST NOT happen again anywhere, especially with such a legendary game like this

P.S. Sorry for bad english

ureadmyname, ult1matum और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
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