धागा: Shrek 2 (Console)
Theyflower7 years ago

The character swap animation cancel is a neat bit of tech I didn't know about :D Having four players for when that's not necessary would be really good though, we could potentially route in getting enough coins to buy the attack upgrade in the spooky forest which saves a lot of time throughout the run. It might even be worth farming bonus2 a few times before doing walking the path to buy yet another attack upgrade. I'm not sure how much time that would save later on though.

धागा: Shrek 2 (Console)
Theyflower7 years ago

Any amount more than 1 should be fine imo. Having less then four loses a lot of time due to the AI players frequently getting stuck on the terrain.

धागा: Robot Wants Kitty
Theyflower7 years ago

It looks like the IGT lb has a 21 minute iOS run ranked above multiple runs with shorter ingame time because it has an RTA time. Is this intentional?

Shadowspawn इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Shrek 2 (Console)
Theyflower7 years ago

As long as the game file says 100% from the load game screen you should be fine imo. I'm not sure what exactly that entails but I'd imagine you would stop time after getting the final snapshot of the final stage and then return to title screen to check if it is infact 100%

धागा: Robot Wants Kitty
Theyflower7 years ago

Are there any notable differences between iOS and Web versions of the game?

धागा: Robot Wants Kitty
Theyflower7 years ago

Currently iOS is the default platform and I've submitted a Web run multiple times as iOS by mistake. Would it be possible to make Web be the default one? There are also zero iOS runs on the lbs as of when this post was made

धागा: Half-Life: Source
Theyflower8 years ago

Does version -7 run on Linux?

धागा: Robot Wants Ice Cream
Theyflower8 years ago

Robot wants JIG has a link to the game in its rules. Can we get one for this game as well?

Theyflower8 years ago

Hey I talked to HolySanctum and feranator earlier on discord. Maybe try going to the scooby doo speedrunner discord and then you can talk to them. Also feranator just got world record, so I guess maybe you should not be wrong.

धागा: Robot Wants Kitty
Theyflower8 years ago

The IGT and RTA categories are definitely needed. Lots of people won't understand why this is important and a good idea intuitively because they don't know how the IGT works in this game.

How IGT works in this game: -goes up by one second every n frames (I'm not sure the exact amount) -goes down by one second every time you kill an enemy -goes up by 20 (twenty!) seconds every time you die

Because of these peculiarities the strategies for RTA and IGT are very fundamentally different. A deathwarp that saves ten RTA seconds can cost lots of IGT seconds because you could have potentially killed enemies along the way instead of paying 20 seconds to skip back to your most recent save point.

darkusshini इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Old School RuneScape
Theyflower8 years ago

https://twitter.com/JagexAsh/status/796663798753099776 Jmod tweet confirming what HolySanctym just said

धागा: Old School RuneScape
Theyflower8 years ago

Jagex is adding Skippy to all worlds soon. We need to decide how to allow him.

Here are the main options:

  1. No Skippy
  2. Skippy in All Categories
  3. Skippy in All Categories except for Tutorial Island
धागा: Left 4 Dead 2
Theyflower8 years ago

I somehow have still managed to not obtain If anyone has a version of that works on linux please send me a message on twitch.

धागा: Left 4 Dead 2
Theyflower8 years ago

i had some files belonging to but couldn't do anything useful with them and probably need a copy of

धागा: Left 4 Dead 2
Theyflower8 years ago

Left 4 Dead 2 version please. Twitch is linked

edit:i have

Theyflower8 years ago

If a run is faster than that time will it be considered that time?

e.g. A 35:42 Any% GGS would appear on the lbs as 40:00?

Theyflower8 years ago

We had a 9 hour any% run where they gave up on mastermind, went to bed, woke up, and then uploaded the 9 hour local recording to youtube or something. Banjo Kazooie has a rule where any run over 10 hours needs video evidence.

DeathMaster001, Pear, और Crockey इसे पसंद करें
धागा: The Site
Theyflower8 years ago

If a forum post is deleted by a moderator is there still a record of the post on the website's server or is it gone for good?

A nice alternative would be for posts be become hidden so that the person who made the post along with other moderators could still view the post and a moderator could unhide the post if deemed necessary.

Theyflower8 years ago

Timing without loads for a console game where load times are inconsistent on emulators allows more people to run and enjoy the speedgame thus growing and improving the community and is therefore not a stupid idea. This is a console game where load times are inconsistent on emulators. Therefore if we apply the law of syllogism to these two statements I can conclusively state the following:

Timing without loads for 'Scooby-Doo!: Night of 100 Frights' will allow more people to run and enjoy 'Scooby-Doo!: Night of 100 Frights' as a speedgame thus growing and improving the community.

Theyflower8 years ago

Is there any objective reason why this is a bad idea or do you just not want to do the math?

Theyflower के बारे में
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