दौड़: Turtle Bay
PhilippinesTheRunner899 months ago

Time start: 23.230

Time end: 2577.950

धागा: Turtle Bay
PhilippinesTheRunner899 months ago

Additionally, in 100%, in bonus bay 10, bomb at least 1 octopus, otherwise, the game will be softlocked.

Other notes (not from me) can be found here: https://www.speedrun.com/turtle_bay/runs/zp3vwqgm

From note 7 (Reply): Actually, you can. However, you need at least 6 hearts for each bomb since it deals 5 hearts of damage i think.

Skuerlin इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Turtle Bay
PhilippinesTheRunner899 months ago

Here is the list of things I found while trying this game:

  1. Pressing the Escape key in the first cutscene will end it quicker. It will also skip any dialog boxes.

  2. Pressing space/enter is equivalent to selecting ok.

  3. When you get to bay 6, bump an island after using the afterburner to get out of the tutorial faster.

  4. As for my speedrun (Any% and 100%), I will upload it later.

  5. How do you have Livesplit beside Turtle Bay? Did you use a second screen, because I can't make the game windowed. Also, there is no option to use VSync, so it runs at like 140+ fps.

  6. In the options, there is a difficulty selection: (Easy, Medium, Hard). Does each of these options affect the gameplay?

Skuerlin इसे पसंद करता है
दौड़: Incredible Jack
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago

A technical retime Time starts at 4.767 and ends at 39.133 at 30 fps to get a final time of 0m 34s 367ms. Retimed using https://github.com/Slush0Puppy/retime

दौड़: Incredible Jack
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago

This can be sub 2 minute

धागा: Incredible Jack
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago

Might be more accurate but is still based on IGT Start frame: First frame when the word "loading" disappears End frame: last frame of the zoom out after hugging or when score reveal shows up

धागा: Word Wow
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago

I will make a discord of this soon.

Gaming_64, Fern11011 और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Moy's World
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago

Could there be an Enemies% category? The goal is to kill all stompable enemies (turtles and elephants) in the level.

धागा: Moy's World
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago

Unfortunately, I haven't found an iOS alternative yet.

धागा: Moy's World
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago

Yes. I have the play store link

धागा: Moy's World
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago

After downloading the file, open the file in the downloads folder. Then press install

धागा: Moy's World
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago
  1. There is now a discord for this called moy's world speedrunning. https://discord.gg/NxdtF9FJ
दौड़: Google Whirlybird
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago

Sorry for the background noise

धागा: Moy's World
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago
  1. Interesting fact: It takes 13 frames or 0.216 s for broken rocks to fully break. Based on moy's world running at 60 fps
धागा: Moy's World
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago
  1. There are many random things in moy's world. The speed of turtles and "goombas", the position of the enemies, and even the time between shoots for the shooter. There is also a random time between when the worms come out of the pipe.
Fern11011 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Moy's World
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago

Sorry for the background noise

धागा: Moy's World
PhilippinesTheRunner892 years ago
  1. I found a new glitch. If you hold any direction and exit moy's world using the home button or the recents key, then open moy's world, moy will move in the direction you are holding. It also allows moy to jump while not holding the jump button. If you press the left/right direction before up when holding, when you go to the next level, moy will jump always. Watch the video here:
Fern11011 इसे पसंद करता है
TheRunner89 के बारे में
I usually speedrun whatever I want to speedrun
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