धागा: DinerTown Tycoon
Ohio, USATheBestEnby4 years ago

So, this one is a bit trickier.

-In Chapter 1 (I call each area a chapter), you want to be done within roughly 7 to 10 minutes. I think 6 minutes is possible, but, pretty ridiculous. If your luck gets bad, though, and you go beyond 10:30, reset and try again.

-In Chapter 2, if you don't start seeing good returns in the first few days, reset. Same goes for if its' taking too long to unlock an area. Around the 19 to 23 minute mark you should be done with this area. Hit 25 minutes, though, reset.

-Chapter 3, get the Odessa ASAP and start getting Dishes IF your luck lets you be around 1K after the first few days. Go to Sale Price if necessary on the first dish in the sub, and clear the Area ASAP. Enter Chapter 4 anywhere around 30 Minutes to 34-36 ish minutes. Anything close to 40 Minutes though, reset. Luck tends to be pretty consistent in Chapter 3.

-Beyond Chapter 3, if you don't have a W.R Pace, but are close or just want to close out the run, Chapters 4 and 5 are pretty good spots to save time.

-In Chapter 4, get the 1K Restaurant as soon as you can. Getting its' ingredients to boost yourself to the Golden Fleece (3rd resturaunt), and getting the final ingredients. If you go close to or over the 1 Hour Mark, keep going or reset, but W.R, unless ground-shattering good-luck and good-RNG are on your side is impossible at that point.

-Chapter 5 has a ton of factors, almost too many. You need to get the Beauchamp as soon as possible, and then any single Gold Dust Dish in the X3000 as fast as you can. There's way too much luck involved though for a fast run. If you go past an hour and 45 minutes at that point, then I'd say give up.

-Losing at any point is also a good time to reset

धागा: DinerTown Tycoon
Ohio, USATheBestEnby4 years ago

Current Glitches I know of;

-Windows 10-

-Comic Scenes are broken - just memorize where the skip and continue buttons are.

-Game Crashes - super rare, but it can happen.

-Broken ads - happens randomly, they'll get stuck to your mouse during gameplay.

-Menuing too fast after completing an area - this can make you restart sections, which is a run-killer. HOWEVER, we might be able to take advantage of this and use it to get to other areas early.

-Windows 7-

No major glitches or bugs - Windows 10 just doesn't agree with old flash games.

धागा: DinerTown Tycoon
Ohio, USATheBestEnby4 years ago

General Time Saves;

-Skipping the Newspaper.

-Faster menu movements.

-Knowing where ads' are and where to place them.

-Buying Dishes and Ingredients at the right intervals (applies to menu movements)


-Potential Windows 10 Game Optimization?

-Playing on Windows 7

धागा: DinerTown Tycoon
Ohio, USATheBestEnby6 years ago

Post your tricks here!

Here's a current list of tricks that can help;

  1. Never check the Newspaper until Chapter 4. (You can see the Daily Demands in the Ingredients tab, indicated by a green space next to it)

  2. Always buy every ad (except for the Bill Board in Chapter 2 and all Radio towers)

  3. Play efficiently (try to do things as fast a possible)

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