my fav flag is the France's flag in like the 1500's it looks cool
ovogamer i feel the same why but im only 12 yr and i have very litlte knowlege of the game
btw im broy just added my clan of funzys its only me though
just trying to get a sub 7min so i can get the top charts acivment
i have been trying and do not understand i look at WR,2nd and still do not understand
@bluefun77 i updated my runs to fix there times so I did not greef the leaderboreds
correct me if im wrong you have to be on the game constantly so you have to be deadacated to the game
its in total i do normal shit like school and i just came back form a 2 week brake
this is going to get rejected because you need access you need to make it public and make your time 2:016 it faster and you get wr