Right now, I am working on a document which will outline all the campaign quests and The following Story missions. It will also act as a potential guide for people looking to run individual story missions and can be good practise for full game runs of both The Campaign and The Following. The document will outline when the timer starts and finishes for individual Story missions on a case by case basis. The document should be finished for review and changes based on feedback and community consensus. Here is a google drive link to the current state of it in PDF form https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SMhJVUolyPChrhQdDwHDoQwX7pNKNXzB/view?usp=sharing. I will be Posting notable updates and there will be a change log at the bottom when the document is complete and will outline any further changes to rules and such.
Any feedback, ideas, edits and suggestions are highly welcome as its a rather large task and i'm bound to miss something somewhere.
Regards -Situs