धागा: Golden Axe II
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime3 months ago

Hello and good afternoon!

There'll be one final update for GA II leaderboards. Me and Habeebs_ are stepping down for moderation as Wedgiroth is being added as the new Super MOD, alongside QwertyQyx.

I've been here since long times and it was a pleasure to see so many good runners learning and improving the ranks around.

Wedgiroth और GoeX इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Golden Axe II
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime3 months ago

As previously mentioned, it's for having the same experience as you would play on cartdrige!

धागा: Golden Axe II
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime3 months ago

Reason is very simple: Although we do allow emulators, we also want that the run shall follow similarly as if you would play on an original cartdrige. Hence why we forbid usage of specific mechanism of emulation such as Run-Ahead, for example!

धागा: Golden Axe II
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime3 months ago

When I meant about Any%, I expressed badly, but the point is that the difficulties already does the work of an Any% category.

धागा: Golden Axe II
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime3 months ago

Hello MSG! In fact, we don't have any of the categories that you've mentioned. Any% is pointless to have a specific category since the game itself doesn't have collectibles such as Max Health or other items of the kind, as of 1CC and No Miss/No Damage, there's barely no activity to have a category designed only for that, and even if we had a category for it, it would be designed as a category extension/misc., rather than a main one (and we already have a lot of subcategories for the game, which could be even more confusing).

Of course, if more people start to run the 1CC/No Damage category, we could fit it as a new category! So we encourage everyone who wants to give a try! <3

धागा: Golden Axe II
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime3 months ago

Hello GoeX, MSG!

In fact, recently the board was absent because of personal matters, but it does not means we're inactive at all, so if you had any run that took some time to be reviewed, my apologies.

We're trying to update the new runs as fast as we can.

Wedgiroth इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Golden Axe II
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime3 months ago

Hello everyone! It's good to see this leaderboard so active recently, with all the runners giving their best to grind the ranks!

And after some huuuge time, we announce that THERE ARE NEW AND FRESH RULES!

The moderators sat down and solved some things regarding submits, since there were categories where no one knew how timing starts and all, so now all categories and subcategories have rules to clear up some doubts you all have.

The rules starts to apply today, so no previous run will be affected by it (except The Duel runs, where the new timing will be applied).

Once again, I shall congratulate everyone who's been submitting so far, you are doing wonders finding new strats and new times on the board!

If you have any questions regarding the new rules, reach out to me!

arturscabbed इसे पसंद करता है
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime4 months ago

q cara bom

nathanmad77 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Golden Axe
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

Hello Astronaut, good morning! How can I help you with?

AntBlueR इसे पसंद करता है
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

Sorry for the late replay, but for me at the moment SMGP isn't on my list, although I've already ran Minarae One Season previously (I think it was a 1:14, don't remember now). But I would be looking forward to see your runs!

Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

I think that one good way to do it, it's doing a miscellaneous one season category with almost all the teams except for minarae. However to do that, the Misc. category would need to allow Game Genie for that (hence why it stays as miscellaneous), as the only way you can start with a certain team is via this method.

So we would have: One Season (Minarae) as a main category; One Season (Game Genie) as a misc. category.

Surely I want to know other opinions about it as well, if we're gonna do this.

धागा: Cadash
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

Hm... so that may explain it! Thank you so much for the information Hydra! I also ran on emulator but I know someone who has the model 2 with the cartdrige, I may talk to that person to know more!

hydrapower इसे पसंद करता है
दौड़: Gargoyles
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

Congratz on the new WR, treyvz! Perfect execution, totally deserve it!

धागा: Cadash
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

Hello everybody, Shime here!

So, recently I got into the Genesis version of this game for speedrunning and was having a good time, finding a good way to make a perfect route for this game. And so, I watched a lot both of the top 2 runners (DeeKnow and hydrapower) to check the best strats for it.

But watching DeeKnow's WR run, I noticed there was something different than my actual runs. I couldn't figure out but looked like he was gaining advantage by running the game on original hardware, as I was running on emulator. I thought at first that could have to do with the Fighter's agility. But it turns out it has to do with the transitions throughout the game.

I checked side by side both his WR and my 30:32 run, and timestamped it to be sure

DeeKnow's 29:14: My 30:32:

It's visible that DeeKnow's transitions are faster (tried timing, difference is around 2s), and I wanna know what's the cause of it: Usually, emulator runs are a bit faster than original hardware, but checking Drumboardist's runs (which is also on original hardware), the transitions times are similar that of mine and of hydrapower's.

Just to be sure, I'm not looking for problem here, I'm just curious of what could be the case, since it's really weird that amount of gain can impact on a speedrun.

धागा: Golden Axe II
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

In my part, I've verified your runs once again and accepted it, so now everything's clear! Congratz on the sub 8 and I hope you both keep the 2P Play active, it's been fun to verify everyone's run!

vardemir इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Golden Axe II
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

Hello, Shime here.

I'm gonna go direct to the point since JJRockets already told the whole situation. All the runs pass through the validation, and in fact you have a point that there isn't exactly a rule that explains about it. But there's a consent that every run submitted should have the whole screen showing up, specially the magic bar which is a major thing in the run- Not taking you into consideration because I saw that you and Inception were giving your best on the game, but if I would to accept your run with part of the HUD outside the video, it could open margin to other people cheating on a run and not showing the HUD, which could lead to a major problem inside the community itself.

Once again, the reason for the first reproval was that. When you submitted again- this time correctly, you joked about the whole situation that to begin, wasn't even my fault, and it felt disrespectful towards me. That's why I rejected saying that no disrespect toward us would be tolerated.

In my part (the one who's doing basically everything here at the moment), I have my part of mistake by not talking directly with both of you regarding the 8:08 submit. And above all, it's being awesome to see the 2P Play category being so active these days and of course I wouldn't prejudice any runners on this, actually I'm here to lend a hand if necessary.

About MODs, as previously said, I'm the only active mod here, and just got the Super Mod badge yesterday, so new people are coming in as moderators as well on this community. That (and the Glitchless categories) are the things I'm working to make this community even better, with new rules and more people to make things more clearer.

Once again, your run is legitimate, there's no doubt of it.

JJROCKETS, enri, और vardemir इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Golden Axe II
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

Hello, everybody! The last 2 years were very active regarding this game and with it, a lot of new tricks and runners emerged to this game! There were a lot of topic about the game, specially around the biggest glitch in the game that broke the Normal/Hard category and I had a conversation with some runners about it.

So, starting 2022, runs will be splitted between Magic Overflow Glitch runs and Glitchless runs as a new sub-category. That will count for all categories except The Duel.

Also, there'll be some update regarding the game rules to prevent controversies when submitting a run. These rules will be starting also next year, and I will be glad to hear your feedbacks about it.

Thwompz इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Gargoyles
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

I'm actually pretty fine if you or any mod want to re-time my run if it means to make it more clarified! Also I'd suggest that any time below the 12 barrier would need to have milliseconds too, if everybody agree!

About the comments sections, I'm good with the way it is right now, with only runners from this game being able to comment on the posts!

Also, congratz for treyvz with an incredible time! Looking forward to see this game getting the 11:2x barrier!

treyvz इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Golden Axe
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

Yeah, I've voted twice and it isn't counting for some reason. But my vote was for having 6-Pak but letting know that the run was on that version!

धागा: Golden Axe
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

I thought that I've voted there D:

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