धागा: Ben 10 (2017)
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

Hi, I see there is no regular Ils, just NG+, is there a reason for it? could it be added?

धागा: Badland: GOTY edition
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

It is being discussed by the admin of every game in the series, as it is a pretty big change, it could take some time, but we will come back with an answer as soon as possible

धागा: The Site
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

@ShadowDraft yup, I've been ghosted

ShadowDraft इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

Hi, I'm here to ask if it's possible to meke me super mod for the game "Badland", which I mod already and "Badland 2", as I contacted the super mod for both games and I received no answer, we're trying to build the community, and not being able to appoint mods is becoming a problem for me, thanks in advance

धागा: The Site
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

@Daravae I contacted him on discord some time ago and I've been totally ignored, even though he has been online many times since then, and yes, he is online, but he admitted to me on discord that he doesn't really care about looking after the series

धागा: The Site
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

Hi, recently me and others are trying to revive the Badland community, but the super mods are very much inactive and unresponsive on any social media, so I'm asking if I can be made Super Mod of Badland (https://www.speedrun.com/badland) of which I'm already regular Mod, Badland 2 (https://www.speedrun.com/badland2), and the series as a whole, so I can also appoint others as mods and we can make the game more than an empty shell (most categories on Badland 2 haven't even got any rules!)

Kynotzib इसे पसंद करता है
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

I think he meant that that's where the new category ideas should go

Lyren इसे पसंद करता है
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

Hi, I noticed that ILs are missing the Flat Track and Yamaha R1 courses, if the problem is the implemenattion with the SRC IL system I think there could be a workaround for it that other games also employ

धागा: Hill Climb Racing
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

I noticed that there are two missing stages from the leaderboard, namely neon and prognosis, is there a reason they're missing or did you just forget to add them? If you need help because mods are too busy with other stuff I could help

धागा: The Site
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

Hi, I noticed that the only mod for Danmaku Death (https://www.speedrun.com/danmaku_death) has been offline for a year, could I be super mod for the game, so that I can add other mods without bothering you guys in case it's needed?

धागा: The Site
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

@ShikenNuggets great, will do as soon as I can and will write back

धागा: The Site
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

@ShikenNuggets I forgot to explain the problem, my bad, I would like to submit a run, but the categories that are present at the moment don't consider one of the platforms on which the game is released, so I cannot do so if someone doesn't add a category, should I submit a game request for the version, or submit the run to the wrong category so i can be added as a mod and fix it?

धागा: Badland
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

I checked, and it seems that sWinTuZ didn't gain any advantage in that specific run (or if he did it was matter of milliseconds, and his time is differing of about one second from both 3rd and 1st place, so the matter will be explored further if someone pulls off a VERY close time), plus the rule about showing the reset was added later than the verification of that run, exactly to avoid this kind of doubts, so he couldn't really know about it

omycydy इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Badland
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

I will check, I didn't notice as I wasn't a mos when it was verified, I cannot guarantee I will be able to do something though

Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

Well, I would if it wasn't for the fact that the game doesn't run on my phone right now, so I'm looking for a way to resolve this, thank you anyways

धागा: Badland
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

I created a server for this game on Discord, check it out https://discord.gg/enx5ywt

धागा: Badland
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

Hi, I interpret it as the first frame a character is crossing the pipe while still visible, as soon as I learn how to do it i will post a screenshot showing what I mean

OwlDragon इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

Talked about it with him and resolved, thank you anyways

Daravae इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: The Site
Emilia-Romagna, ItalyScipione14 years ago

I didn't notice, I'll do that and come back to you, thanks

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