धागा: Age of Mythology
Alsace, FranceSarsart4 years ago

Hi everyone,

It's been a couple of weeks now that I've been running the Golden Gift in all the difficulties one after the others. I was wondering if we could make it a new Full Campaign run since it would allow for a medium size speedrun for the Golden Gift (for now I could get right above 1 hour).

Here is the link to my best run to date :

धागा: Age of Mythology
Alsace, FranceSarsart5 years ago

I just forgot, in this run I used poseidon's glitch but there could be another tab for this run in glitchless.

धागा: Age of Mythology
Alsace, FranceSarsart5 years ago


I was wondering how all the many AOM speedrunner felt about adding a new run in the game :)

The run I propose is a speedrun of a 1v11 Titan AI. I already have a run for this, you can find it here :

This one is pretty straight forward but it could lead to the creation of a new set of runs that exist in other RTS games.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the matter,


धागा: Age of Mythology
Alsace, FranceSarsart5 years ago

That's true but it doesn't hurt asking

धागा: Age of Mythology
Alsace, FranceSarsart5 years ago

Hi, I was wondering if I could become a moderator for the Age of Mythology series. I've done quite a few runs and I played the game for years.

If you want to talk to me about it, here's my discord : Yldogarn&Sarsart#0379

धागा: Age of Mythology
Alsace, FranceSarsart5 years ago

I see there are now 2 difficulties for All campaign run but would it be possible to do the same for the individual campaign like Fall of the Trident, New Atlantis and The golden Gift ?

Because right now it feels pretty pointless trying to run FoTT in Titan difficulty because I know I wont be able to beat my run in easy in Titan difficulty.

Moreover if you run a full campaign you're forced to have safe missions run that don't involve RNG and the best times in Titan involve a lot of RNG or micro luck.

Therefore I feel like there should be a different tab for campaign in TItan and Easy difficulty.

धागा: Age of Mythology
Alsace, FranceSarsart5 years ago

I'm kinda new to AOM speedrun but I was wondering if some people were still hyped about it.

I say that because I'd be very happy if I could meet other speedrunners that loves the game as much as I do and if we could play together, make races and such.

I would also like to know if anyone got any idea on how to revitalise the scene :)

Your oppinions and thoughts are welcome,


Adam_ak और GoodleShoes इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Age of Mythology
Alsace, FranceSarsart5 years ago

Maybe by submitting a titan run they would add a new filter. Only a guess though. And I'm a little late.

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