धागा: Naruto Online
The biggest boss fight would be Naruto vs Garra but that's so close to the end of world 3 by two missions it might as well just be a world 3 speedrun. I'll try and run it to see how long it would take. I will wanna kms cause it's definitely be over an hour maybe 2.
धागा: Naruto Online
My computer hasn't been good to record and do stuff in the past years but I intend to bring more runs to the table like. Haku% Akatsuki% and Hashirama%
1 से 2 का दिखाया जा रहा है 2 में से
Rocky_RoxZ के बारे में
my first videos are cringey but mainly editing tests
I do speedrun and are suggesting naruto online a flash game
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