दौड़: Flat Heroes
Hong KongRFMX1 year ago

take my record in AWS I dare you

धागा: Flat Heroes
Hong KongRFMX1 year ago

See the other response I made in your another post.

The speedrun option is already removed in the release. You will have to dig up the early access version to run the Legacy categories.

धागा: Flat Heroes
Hong KongRFMX1 year ago

Legacy categories uses the "speedrun" option which is in-game time.

This is also why this game is currently using in-game time as the timing method, despite the time we use is actually measured in real time.

धागा: Flat Heroes
Hong KongRFMX2 years ago

ok let's ping @dmcdominic so he sees this :o)

धागा: Flat Heroes
Hong KongRFMX2 years ago

Welcome! I agree that Heroes campaign should have a leaderboard too.

in the meantime please take my all worlds (solo) wr

धागा: Talk
Hong KongRFMX3 years ago

Your typical boss.

CyanWes, Oh_my_gourdness, और YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Talk
Hong KongRFMX3 years ago

Getting a post bumped? I'm in!

CyanWes, Oh_my_gourdness, और YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Flat Heroes
Hong KongRFMX3 years ago

I recently found this application online. YouTube Frame Timer

It helps retime YouTube runs. I tried it out on the World 1 IL run by @BigFighter01, and it turns out that the run should be 4m 24s 500ms. (yes that means you have inflated your time by almost a second, BigFighter) I counted the frames and this is accurate.

The thing is, should we use this to retime runs in the future, instead of relying on an on-screen timer? It seems pretty good to use the frames to time runs. What do you guys think?

dmcdominic इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Speedrunning
Hong KongRFMX3 years ago

People use JP because Chinese version is not a thing lol jkjkjk

धागा: Talk
Hong KongRFMX3 years ago

Thank you merl

हटा दिया गया
और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Drag'n'Boom
Hong KongRFMX3 years ago

You can hit enemies multiple times to rack up the multiplier. The two only ways to break a multiplier is 1) you run out of time and the multiplier is filled with orange, and 2) your shot despawns and does not hit any target. (This is my speculation, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) Something like this is possible. (level 2 3 stars one single playthrough)

The "multi bounce" fireball is just OP. (seriously somebody should name all the fireballs)

Fioresa इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Talk
Hong KongRFMX3 years ago

@Merl_ click on the post

SuperGamer64, CyanWes और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Speedrunning
Hong KongRFMX3 years ago

Congrats on your PB!

Anyways, I prefer uploading slow runs to the leaderboards, as long as I am playing it in one sitting. It feels like I am starting to enter the community and be active, and that feeling is real nice.

Pear और ckellyspeedruns इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Talk
Hong KongRFMX3 years ago

It seems like (to me) Vtubers just come from nowhere and became very popular all of a sudden. I mean, the discussion about Vtubers changes from almost none to a very hot topic most people can follow. :I

ps the shrieking noises and high pitched laughs in every vtuber stream is soooooo annoying

धागा: Speedrunning
Hong KongRFMX3 years ago

https://www.speedrun.com/flat_heroes is a game I personally run and it's really fun. Full game run is around 1 hour, and ILs can be as short as 4 minutes. I can say that this game has a lot of speed potential untapped, so I highly recommend you try it out!

धागा: Flat Heroes
Hong KongRFMX4 years ago

Hi guys,

Dominic asked me if I am going to submit part of my All Worlds Solo (AWS) run as ILs before, but I told him that I am recording separate runs to submit instead. Now I have a 1h23m run submitted, I am now getting the section times to see if they break my IL PBs or WRs.

The thing is ILs are currently timed with the start at the press of Enter/Start button, which for AWS runs, does not exist. (except for World 1) So I think the fix is to change the start of IL timing to a later point, and compensating that time difference by just adding it to the final time.

I measured that, from the pressing of the start button to the first frame where the play icon appears on the screen, it takes around 2.3 to 2.4 seconds. This means AWS sections can be timed from the first frame of the appearance of the play icon to when the boss shatters plus 2.3 seconds instead.

What do you guys think?

PS I think the definition I suggested for the timing is not precise enough. Here are references I made for the exact frame of start and finish. Pressing the start button: the first frame where the start button is not complete, meaning you can see a gap The boss shatters: the first frame that the boss either appears as shattered, or disappears from the screen

dmcdominic इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Tournaments and Races
Hong KongRFMX4 years ago

I looked at the schedule and Celeste - All C-sides with Dance Pads? I'mma tune in at 2:24PM UST on January 9. Super Meat Boy is also interesting, especially when they run 106%. Also some Mario speedrun would also interest me. I'll just see whether I can watch the stream on that time.

YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Flat Heroes
Hong KongRFMX4 years ago

I posted a world 3 boss cling video a while ago but that was performed in the Heroes campaign. I tested that in the Normal campaign, and it still works. It works briefly as follows:

  1. At the start of the level, dash to the side of the boss and attack.
  2. You will regain your dash but the boss will probably move to the right after the slow-mo. Dash towards the right to try to cling to the boss.
  3. Attack the boss (even if it does not deal damage) to regain your dash in case you fall off.
  4. Stay in the top left corner of the boss and block the bomb. (The bomb is harmless.
  5. The bomb should go down vertically, landing on the topmost platform. The bomb will kill the boss. As the bomb will also be able to hit you, jump away to the corners and levitate (jump in mid-air without directional input) just to be safe.
  6. The bomb will deplete the whole bar of the boss, giving you the clear.

I recorded a low-4 section time for world 3 (in an All Worlds Solo run) after successfully pulling off this glitch. Here is the YouTube video for you guys.

Good luck!

dmcdominic और namahamu0909 इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Flat Heroes
Hong KongRFMX4 years ago

Does anybody know what is this and how to perform that. AFAIK you only have a single dash airborne until you have contact with any surface.

I'm asking this so that I can implement it in runs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

धागा: Just Shapes & Beats
Hong KongRFMX5 years ago

Is that just equivalent to the Any%? That category includes Corruption, Till It's Over and all the interactive cutscenes.

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