दौड़: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus1 year ago

Congrats on the w! It was only a matter of time. Who knows, maybe this will get me back into the game.

flashhh और walzbit_ इसे पसंद करें
दौड़: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus2 years ago

Don't you need to show the character reaching the third floor?

धागा: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus2 years ago

I've actually been dealing with this issue a fair amount myself. My current solution, which I've used in previous verified runs, has been to pause the game, stop my recording, wait for it to save to photos, and then start recording again before unpausing.

धागा: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus2 years ago

Oh yeah I've never seen this

धागा: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus2 years ago

Hi. I'm definitely interested in expanding the TotM community, so I'd be willing to contribute to this. I'm a little confused about what you're thinking about doing though. Do you want to make a wiki for this game? Like a lore wiki? Or just explaining the different features of the game?

Mr_Dyn इसे पसंद करता है
दौड़: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus2 years ago

This is crazy

walzbit_ इसे पसंद करता है
दौड़: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus2 years ago

Hello! Just letting you know that I can't access this video, google says the file doesn't exist when I click the link.

दौड़: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus2 years ago

Bro thanks! I wouldn't have done it without the competition. Best of luck to you on getting a more significant sub-20!

Marteh इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus2 years ago

I have 1 2-floors 2nd place, 1 2-floors 1st place, and 4 1st-place 5-floors runs (3 of them are obsoleted by the faster ones) unverified. Some are just a week or two old, but some are over a month old, so yeah, I can relate.

Mr_Dyn इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus2 years ago

oh yeah bro pufferfish are weird. I'm pretty sure that their animation lasts longer than their actual potential to hurt you.

Marteh इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus3 years ago

Haha just saw this after submitting multiple 5 floors 1st place runs. Audio on now.

धागा: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus3 years ago

Hey I know I'm one of the few active runners at the moment (if not the only one), but I think this game could use a ten floors category. This is because the two and five floors runs don't seem to reflect the real arcade mode experience. I would know. Before I started running this game, I was an arcade mode grinder, and got a high score of over 500,000. The success of each run wasn't due to any special exploitation of knowledge, or the amount of care I put into it, or anything like that. What it came down to was the headspace I was in while playing: not overanalyzing, but still paying attention. I don't think either of the existing arcade mode categories reflect that; they're all speed and efficiency, and headspace isn't really a concern. With a ten floors category, runners would have to develop the right way of thinking about the game, in order to go fast but not die, because the longer run times would punish death more than the smaller other categories do. The game also tends to speed up in pace and reach levels of difficulty that the earlier levels don't show as you go along. I think this new run would have a lot of reasons to be fun in its own right, much as the 2 and 5 floors categories present different challenges. If you don't make the category, I will post videos of runs on my YouTube channel anyway.

धागा: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus3 years ago

nvm, got answer in discord

धागा: Tomb of the Mask
San Francisco, CA, USAR34lDr4ngus3 years ago

How does pausing affect the timing of runs? Does pausing contribute to run time or is in-game time the only thing measured?

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