Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT6 years ago

So, diabetesNINJA brought up a good point about Cheats. There're some which can unlock every Mission. Therefore, you're able to do Missions completely NG (Without any previous stuff Unlocked). This raises two Questions tho.

First one regarding the Cheats. I don't have any personal Problem with them as long as they don't give you an advantage or allow other game-breaking stuff. Since that is certainly not the case for unlocking Levels, that should be all right imo. But, as we're already here talking about it, what about Cheats such as the one which makes all Enemies Headless or the Discomode? I think Discomode would be a quite fun addition, but I haven't played it enough to see if it makes a significant difference. If not, what would you think about allowing it in a normal run? Or should it be an own Category (misc)?

And now that we're talking about Categories! Currently they are set up a little weird (yea, dunno why I did that), so I thought about changing the difficulty back to normal Variables which do not interfere with the main Category. Which means, all difficulties will be in the same List. However, I'd put in a NG/NG+ (sort of?) Sub-Category in, which devides it between a run which was done from a new save file (and therefore without any previous enhancements like weapons, shields, etc) and a NG+ for everything else.

Therefore, in a full RTA run, Hope Street would be the only valid NG IL which can be submitted as such. ILs of others can only be done with the cheatcode mentioned earlier or have to be submitted as NG+ (since they may have upgrades unlocked from the previous levels).

So these we're my initial thoughts, what do you guys think about it?

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

This is a similar post to my FAQ, but this will cover more stuff. You can still check it out until this is finished: http://www.speedrun.com/The_Site/thread/ni4vm

Would be cool if this would become sticky at some point. If you think I missed something out, tell me and I'll add it.

Anyways. Since I think you're new on the Site and/or to Speedrunning, here's the basics of the Page that you should know about.

I'm using for:

  • Speedrun.com = SRC
  • SpeedDemosArchive = SDA
  • SpeedRunsLive = SRL
  • Leaderboard = LB

[section=Abbreviations/Jargon] Other abbreviations or speedruner vocabulary can be found on SRL's FAQ which describes most of it neatly. http://www.speedrunslive.com/faq/glossary/

[section=Speedrun Community structure] Essentially, SRC is a place for Communities while usually each Game/Series has an own one. That means that SRC is providing a platform for each Community (Leaderboards, Profiles, Forum, etc.) but DOES NOT handle the Game itself!

If you have any Questions, Suggestions or Complaints about a Game/Series, do that in their Forum where it belongs! A lot of communities have a Discord or an own IRC server, so check these out if you want to know stuff since some might abandon the forums!

If you have SERIOUS complaints about a Moderator, contact the PERSON first. Don't start another thread in the general forums pointing stuff out. Examples for that is when a Moderator rejects a run of yours. If he/she doesn't give a reason, ASK them.

If the issue isn't resolved, clear that with OTHER Moderators of the Game/Series (If there are any) before you go up to the SRC Admins. They have got enough stuff to do. Don't bother them with unimportant stuff that you can solve yourself.

¤¤Games Done Quick¤¤ - Since I saw some posts regarding that as well I wanted to point out that GDQ is an OWN Group as well. They are strongly involved with SDA and use that as well for most of the communication. So asking/requesting stuff about GDQs should - like pointed out above - be done DIRECTLY to them.

[section=SRC, SDA and SRL] As explained above, the Speedrunning community is rather a huge bundle of smaller communities than ONE huge one. That also applies to the various Sites that exist. The most well known ones are SRC (this site), SDA and SRL. Each has their own Admins, Communities and uses. While they cooperate with one another, keep in mind that they are SEPARATED.

If you want to deal with other communities such as SDA or SRL, then go there. Over here you won't get the attention that you might need and it's simply the wrong place. This applies to all Communities and I'm just pointing SDA and SRL out here since they are the biggest next to SRC.

[section=Speedruns] If you have made a speedrun yourself and want to submit it, DO NOT create a thread posting it. ¤¤That's not how you do it!¤¤

Search for the Game you did your run in and go to its Leaderboard. In the top-right corner you can see a big button that says "Submit run". Click it! A form with all required information opens up.

Be sure you have READ THE RULES! You can take a look at them with the big button at the top-right corner which says "View rules". This will show you the rules of the CURRENT CATEGORY. Select the category you have done your run in to see what rules apply to it.

In the case that the Game isn't listed on SRC yet, you can request a leaderboard for it here: http://www.speedrun.com/requestgame Again, read the rules before you do stuff.

Another important thing: PATIENCE! If you submitted a run or a leaderboard, then you have to wait. It can take up to two or three weeks until a Moderator/Admin is verifying /checking the request. If a RUN takes longer than two weeks, contact the moderator on their social media (Twitter, Facebook, Discord, whatever you find) to let them know about it. If nobody responds you ask here: http://www.speedrun.com/The_Site/thread/63nr7

[section=Notifications, Messages and Menu] I think it's kind of self explaining, but some people don't seem to see or get it. When you submit a run or a request for a LB, you get a message that tells you that you'll get a Notification when everything's ready. You can see your notifications in the top-right corner at the BELL-Symbol. Simply click on it and you'll see all notifications.

The button next to it, the HOURGLASS shows all pending actions such as runs that require verification. On the other site there's the Message symbol. if you click on it, you see it's in the works. Just be patient and use other Services such as Discord or social media.

Other helpful links are in the Menu. You can open it up if you click on the THREE DOTS next to FORUMS.

[section=Is X allowed/banned?] If that question is regarding a Game/Series, check the Community of it.

Otherwise default rules for communication apply:

  • Don't post spam, offensive or sexual content
  • Don't harass other people
  • Think before you write/do stuff

Basically: Don't be an ass

[section=Emulators] Also Emulators fall under the Control and Rules of the GAME. Ask the Moderators of the game about it!

[section=What should I speedrun?] This question has been asked like 200 times already and has always the same answer. Whatever you like.

Speedrunning a game is a long process, so you have to like the game. If you plan to get really good in the game, you must also love the game a lot since you're gonna spend a lot of time in it. If you just wanna start with a game to try stuff out, simply run a game you liked when you were younger. Older games are usually easier to run.

[section=How do I record?] I have seen this question a lot as well. I'd say around 90-95% of people on SRC stream with OBS (Open Broadcaster Software). You can surely find tutorials and guides everywhere, so just search for them. Just be sure to use OBS Studio and not classic since it's outdated and more unstable now.

Other solutions are XSplit, Gameshow, Vmix and Wirecast. There're surely even more out there, you just gotta find them.

LordParoah, The_Retro_Challenger और 30 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Yo, as I was streaming some runs/practice again (some days ago) I also took a look on where the links/integrations work out and for some reason I never appeared on the stream page here :(

I had no [nosrl] tag in it and tried it with a [srl] tag, didn't work either way. On SRL I was listed tho ... also after restarts it didn't work which seems really odd to me :/

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Hey everyone.

I noticed that when you go to the overview of all IL's it won't show sub-categories which is why we had to setup IL Categories + Sub-Category which is ... annoying. Can't that be added as well?

Note that this is ONLY for the overview of all IL's, not for a specific IL, since it works fine there.

MrMonsh और Salem इसे पसंद करें
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Hey everyone. Since the new layout started, there have been quite some problems, and this is NOT a thread about to discuss them. There's an extra one already. A thing I wondered about was, why aren't there any notifications or alerts/pop-ups for important information? PLANET stated, that there was a test-phase for the new layout, which ran under new.speedrun.com. Not sure about it, but this info as well as knows issues such as the current problem with requesting games or incorrect/weird ordering of in-game and real-time runs in some games, may simply be brought to the people so they don't have to look at the forums for every little detail. Some people may only be "users" which don't interact with the forums at all, so that would be quite neat.

There doesn't have to be a super complicated system for it, I think even a simple message in the current notification system would make it quite easy to make people aware of stuff easier without much efford.

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Hey everyone. Since I noticed that in allot of Forums - especially "The Site" - the same Questions are getting asked over and over again, I want to build up a little FAQ here.

[section=How do I submit a run?] Simply click in the Search-bar in the top of the Site and type in the name of the game you want to submit the run to. When found, click on it and you're on the GAME PAGE. Here you can click on the "Submit Run"-Text in the top-left corner and fill out the form.

[section=Are Screenshots/Images allowed as proof of the run?] This depends on the Game's community/Mods, but usually not. Take a look at the rules of the game/category and if it isn't described clearly you should ask in the forum of the game or ask a Mod.

[section=What do I do, when the game doesn't show up/exists?] You can submit a new Game on this Site: http://www.speedrun.com/requestgame Be sure you read through the rules and everything and submit it properly. You got to WAIT for it's approval, usually it takes around 1-2 WEEKS! The Admins have a real-life as well and there're surely a dozens of requests send so be patient.

[section=What when I submitted a run?] When you successfully submitted a run, you have to wait for the run to get verified/declined. When it gets approved, you'll be able to see your run on the Leaderboards. If not, you'll get a response why the run was declined. The verification usually takes three to four days, depending how active a game is. If your runs wasn't approved/denied AFTER 2 weeks or longer, you can ask on THIS Thread to become a Mod for the Game.

[section=Game Categories]

  1. You have to be a Mod or Super-Mod of the Game you want to edit.
  2. Go to the Game's page and click "Edit Game".
  3. Scroll down to the "Full-game categories". a. If you want to EDIT a Category, simply click on the name or rule text-area, or change the options. b. To create a new one, simply click "New Category" and fill our all data.

Once you edited or created the Category, you don't have to save the game since it'll save all changes.

[section=I have got a question regarding a Game] Go to the Game's Forum and ask there. Asking a question in the overall Forums is usually useless since most of the people don't know/run the Game, so they don't know anything about it. So don't bother these people and focus on the actual Game's community.

[section=Where's the (Private) Messaging feature?!] Like you probably noticed, it's not ready yet. It's currently in work, but hasn't the highest priority. Actually, it doesn't have a high priority at all. There's Twitch-, Twitter, YouTube- and other PM-Systems or contacting services out there, so just use these till this one is done.

[section=Often seen in the "Streaming"-Forum: Advertising your Stream] DON'T! JUST DON'T! Seriously! The entire Site is NO advertisement platform for your stream! Your Stream will be shown on the "Streams"-Page (http://www.speedrun.com/streams) when you speedrun stuff AUTOMATICALLY! There's no need to annoy and spam the forums with these dumb threads.

[section=Searching is the KEY] Before you ask a question, please actually SEARCH for a solution/answer beforehand. There's mostly already a Thread for the problem, so search for it first. Don't forget to also search the related GAMES-Forum if it has anything to do with the Game.

If you have any other things you would think that would be useful to be added, let me know :)

Rmac524, stoot और 5 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Hey everyone. As I checked a profile of a Moderator of a Marathon, I noticed a Bug. If you go to the INFO Tab of the Marathon-Mod-Profile, the Marathon will be listed, but with a "series" suffix. I doubt that this is supposed to be there.

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT8 years ago

Hello everyone!

This is a Thread especially for the current Mods (Me, Socialspeedrunner, DVPShady and Kuru). Being Mod of a Game, means that we got to be active and try to stay in touch with the Runners, Help peoples out, work on/improve the Leaderboards and verify Runs.

Now to my Problem: It seems most Mods are ... un-interested in these things or don't have the Time for it. It's nice to see that the Community is active and improving strats and times, but handling it alone can be quite time-consuming, especially since I don't have that much time.

Socialspeedrunner and DVPShady were interested in becoming a Mod of the Game because the leaderboards were really horrible and WANTED to do something about it. In the end I made everything and they never or barely ever touched anything which is ... not the Point I guess? I also verify nearly every run now, since except for Kuru (who has not allot of time and I know that; He told me that before I made him Mod), nobody is actually doing that Duty.

So my appeal would be: If you don't care about the Game anymore, I'm totally fine with that and don't mind it. But then please let me know that and may give up being a Mod so I/We can take a look for new Mods. If you do care, then either be more active please or ... idk to be fair xD

That here shouldn't be a hate or something, I just want to have a clear view of this and get everything sorted.

If there're some People who'd like to be new Mods in case we get some places, then please let us know :)

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT9 years ago

To communicate and to plan out Stuff, I created a Discord-Server for all Axiom Runners. Feel free to join in :)


Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT9 years ago

Hey everybody. I think I found a bug of the Site. As I took a look at my profile, I noticed that I'm ranked as 8th place for Axiom Verge. But when I go to the Axiom Verge Leaderboards, it shows me that I'm 7th place. And when I go onto the run itself, it shows me the 8th place again O.o

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT9 years ago

Heya, I was just checking some source on the page here and took a look into the console. Apparently you should update the Silktide Addon/Plugin/Script, since it doesn't work anymore.

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT9 years ago

Hey everyone. I just noticed one little thing: If you take a look at the IL's of a person (Profile -> Level Runs) it'll show all IL's of the Game - doesn't matter if someone made the IL. Wouldn't it be more useful if it would only show the IL's someone did? Maybe put a Button onto the top-right to show all Levels like in the Full-Runs with obsolete runs.

stoot और Konasumi इसे पसंद करें
Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT9 years ago

Hey everyone, I'm PreFiX. Me, GVirus and DarkCPU0 made up a Weekly Race for Axiom Verge to promote the Game more since it's a really good Speedgame but is quite unknown.

The Race is held every Week on Wednesday at 2AM CET/8PM EST by myself and GVirus. If anyone would like to join the races or just want's to be in our little group, then message me or GVirus via Skype (prefixaut) on Twitch (twitch.tv/prefixaut , twitch.tv/tosagvirus) or on this Thread with some contact Information :) We'ld be glad if you'ld join in or watch it.

Vienna, AustriaPreFiXAUT9 years ago

Hi everyone! I'ld like to know if there're Android-Emulators so I can speedrun some mobile games on the PC (Win 8). I heard that there's a Emulator called "Andy", but I never tested it before, has someone maybe an suggestion which one to use?

Thanks in advance, PreFiX

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