PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

New timing start While I agree that the current timing is bad and starting the time on cutscene would be better, keep in mind that with this new timing waiting for the cutscene to end would be faster by some milliseconds. Not that I expect anyone to do this.

Subjective rule enforcement for WRs Like blacklev said, we usually ignore some minor rule breaks that don't affect the run. For example, an accidental NG+ run that wasn't top tier (around a 1:24 time) was verified because it's such a minor mistake that didn't affect anything. However this is an entirely case by case scenario. Would I accept a run with INEEDSOMEHELP or any of its hashes? No. Cheated vehicles spawns? Maybe, if the vehicle wasn't used and it caused a timeloss overall. How would I know if it's a timeloss? Cheating a sports car will load the sports car into memory, which could be abused heavily in LV for example (edit: there are actually no sports car cheats that will affect car spawns in a positive way, as all fast car cheats are for cars that usually don't spawn, except if you use the NINJATOWN or EVERYONEISRICH cheats which would definitely not be verified). Weather cheats? You're heavily influencing weather patterns, and can easily be abused to remove rain in troublesome spots. It would be entirely up to the mod team to discuss how to handle any specific run but cheats affect way more than just the immediate cheat activation. It's also so easy to find a way to prevent cheats that honestly I don't even see why this issue exists.

As for the game restart, someone in a stream mentioned that if you don't do it you can skip one of the driving school golds people usually get. I don't know anything about this but maybe allow lower-tier runs to do it as long as they do the route as it would be required in a run where the game was restarted.

Runs with no video

I understand why you're doing this but I don't agree with it. These runs were performed and verified and were victims of malicious twitch or youtube activity, I don't see why the runners have to be punished by having their times removed after being verified

PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

Firefighter 3:48 by setttt3

धागा: Grand Theft Auto III
PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

The major differences for speedrunning are the lack of replays which makes duping a lot slower (look at overcooler's PS/Xbox runs for routes if you need a reference), and obviously the lack of mouse which makes a few parts much slower. The main.scm is also a bit different. I think PS3 is emulated PS2 so you can start taxi driver during Don't Spank My Bitch Up to warp to Mike Lips Last Lunch. I don't know if Mike Lips instapass is possible on this version due to the different main.scm but if it isn't that warp is probably worth doing as it's simple to setup.

PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

LV Fight move instapass. Totally worth it.

sWinTuZ और EllieChan इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Grand Theft Auto III
PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

A better Trial by Fire instapass using I Scream, You Scream. Also requires rampage status set to 2.

(video uses instapass chaining setup)

PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

I can make a guess of how it works: he might be using the Livesplit server module to make a connection to his external timer, which makes it quite simple to push information from livesplit to his timer (as seen in the documentation https://github.com/LiveSplit/LiveSplit.Server). This method is better than writing and reading from text files, which is slow.

PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

I don't know about the color stuff or anything but having a horizontal display is very simple in livesplit http://puu.sh/ALAlW/e4e684df70.png

PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

Sometimes, SSA cars will appear as delivered even though the player didn't deliver them. This is something that has been happening for a couple of months now. After it happened to anti recently we looked into it more thoroughly and found the cause.


The image above shows (for codemonkeys) the source of the issue. Right before garage delivery data, there is a list of CPed with room for 50 references However, this bound is not checked, so if this list fills up with more than 50 elements, it'll start corrupting the garage delivery data.

You can see this happening in this video (sorry for bad quality) 007D4300 is the address (on steam) for the first garage. The first byte holds the information for deliveries, and the next 3 are unused (Rockstar optimization). The 5th byte is the second list, next 3 unused, etc.

So how exactly can this be used to deliver vehicles?

This list is updated several times per frame. For every ped it'll fetch every other ped that is within its range. By default this value is 30 units of distance, but is increased during some missions with this opcode https://gtagmodding.com/opcode-database/opcode/0482/ So in order to corrupt the first list you need 51 peds within 30* units of eachother, 52 for the second, etc.

After setting these values, you need them to be read by the script so that it detects that the cars have been delivered. There's a number of restrictions here:

  • Only the final value for that frame matters
  • The script only checks completion for the current unlocked garage on a 500ms cycle
  • You can only export the last 3 vehicles of each list, due to references given by malloc always being divisible by 8 (Stallion, Rancher, Blista, Stretch, Washington, Admiral, Phoenix, Comet, Stinger, Baggage Handler, Mr Whoopee and Pizza Boy)

There are two known ways to get this glitch

Non-consistent, random way (currently in use):

Hope that you get 50 peds close to eachother. Malibu has 37 peds inside, so that's a good start. You can't control which values the garages will have, so you just have to hope you get as many as possible delivered.

Consistent (never use this in runs):

Mass dupe a mission with many peds (4x Hit the Courier works). You'll get all vehicles possible delivered with this, since the values will be updated every frame. However, you can't deliver cars yourself, as the values updating will delete your own changes to the garage (unless you get lucky with the 500ms cycle) You can see this in action here (ignore the pausing, placebo) To optimally use this, you'd have to deliver the first 3 cars of a list, do the mass dupe to deliver the next 3 and pass the list, then get the bottom 3 and pass (or just cancel) the mission. The other lists will also be corrupted, but they probably won't have all delivered.

This glitch is also what causes Disco Lights: the data after garage deliveries is sprite brightness data. By observing changes in textures or lighting effects it may be possible to predict whether garages have been corrupted in some way

Sophylax, Svenir और 7 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Grand Theft Auto III
PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

I guess it was never posted because it's slower than the fast dodo strats and due to its instability (it will crash almost every time unless you start from new game apparently, and even after the credits start rolling it can still crash eventually, making it extremely risky in AM and 100%)

You basically make a short replay where the helicopter is touching a surface (in this case, the ground - F3F1F2 when it lands is enough) then you shoot a rocket and play the replay when the rocket is within the bounds of the helicopter, this makes the helicopter in the replay blow up and trigger the next part of the mission

Zachoholic इसे पसंद करता है
PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

The wait at the start is because you need a replay from the future in order to cancel rampages (replays 2+ minutes in the futures make the game think the rampage timer has ended)

Yes there's like 5ish seconds to be saved there

No, the way this strat works requires certain manipulation of the active scripts, and you can't start Vigilante several times in a row without cancelling like you can with Pizza Boy, which will set the next script pointer correctly for SSU to work

PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

For the 0318 definition: 3 does everything ("story" missions, RC missions and offroad missions) VC is a bit weirder because Rockstar reasons ("story" missions and for some reason Distribution) SA is even weirder ("story" missions (only EOTL3 counts, not 1 and 2), and for some reason all races, BMX and NRG challenge (these last few are excluded from ASM))

I do not see why duping/instapasses should be banned, that feels like a very arbitrary restriction. As long as all the missions required are passed, why limit the ways through which they can be passed?

PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

I made a long post about the name/rules for the current ASM the last time they were discussed and nobody seemed to have a problem with it (given that there were no counters or suggestions despite asking for them)

The goal for a category name is to be a description of the run, and the rules should be simple enough for everyone to understand, while being technical enough that they don't have any loopholes or semantic problems

The old post is here


(Note that I wasn't particularly happy with the definition I presented exactly because of what Tirean said earlier: it's a bunch of do this except this and that)

I'd also like to note that Valet Parking is not a mission script

PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

tduva's post is basically how I feel about it. Any% No Major Glitches(or Skips) allows enough flexibility for people to define what kind of glitches would be disallowed without it being arbitrary and if a new glitch appears its legality in the run can be discussed. Defining such a category however requires people to stop posting garbage about moderation and to start caring about the creation of the category instead, which is impossible in these forums, apparently.

To get the ball started, here's a set of banned glitches:

  • Mission Duplication
  • Any sort of intended mission flag manipulation

All other Any% rules apply of course.

(Note that I'm still not saying it should be added, but if people take an interest in it I don't see why not consider it)

Mhmd_FVC और S. इसे पसंद करें
PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

I had a small discussion about this in discord so I'll just post this here in case anyone cares. I am in no way advocating for or against any change, just want to post my thoughts

[11:56 PM] Powdinet: Any% dupeless is a good idea until you realize that gang territory skip is not a real dupe by the definition (the missions are never being executed at the same time) and that om0 manipulation is still allowed (which could potentially allow strats not possible in old Any%)(edited) [11:56 PM] Powdinet: If people come up with a good enough definition and actually run the thing, I don't see a reason not to include it [11:58 PM] KZ_Frew: You could define duping in this case as any one mission being completed twice, and om0 manip goes both ways I guess.. you could say it's a cool way to breathe fresh air into an antiquated/static route, or you could say it's against the spirit of dupeless and disallow it [11:59 PM] KZ_Frew: I thought personally having dupeless on the boards wasn't worth it because of the lack of traffic for the category, but lelreset is right and popularity shouldn't designate what is on the boards. Also in lieu of that, adding it to main boards could encourage activity February 11, 2018 [12:00 AM] Powdinet: "You could define duping in this case as any one mission being completed twice" You could, but it goes against the definition of the term people knowledgeable about the game and that research it use, so it would lead to even more confusion. I've already seen people who thought instapasses weren't dupes because "the mission doesn't duplicate, it just passes instantly". [12:01 AM] PowerSlaveAlf: Dupeless is fine and a category I like running, at least for the other GTA games, but I presonally don't see the reason why SA dupeless would be on the main leaderboards if 3 and VC aren't [12:01 AM] Powdinet: this all stems from the very poor use of the word duping though, as it was introduced during a time we didn't understand the game as well as we do now [12:03 AM] Powdinet: I think Any% no mission flag manipulation (or something along those lines with a better name) would be better than simply dupeless, as it not only removes the "symptom" but also the "disease" [12:04 AM] Powdinet: in other words, removing the glitch, and not the consequence of the glitch [12:04 AM] Lelresetfeg: what if g4l starts on om0 [12:04 AM] Lelresetfeg: does it make the run invalid [12:05 AM] Powdinet: on cases like those you can ignore it as long as they aren't abused, though it would be entirely up to the mods [12:05 AM] Lelresetfeg: should we ignore accidental cheats then [12:06 AM] Powdinet: no, because those affect the game state more than a simple mission flag switch [...] [12:07 AM] Powdinet: reminder than VC had 7 Assets on the main leaderboard before it got removed due to lack of popularity

(this last message implies that it could be added as an experiment and removed if people don't really run it after a certain period of time)

tduva, H0rHe, और PowerSlaveAlfons इसे पसंद करें
PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

Yes, that is allowed as long as all the saves and replays used were made during the run

Thunder इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Grand Theft Auto III
PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

Using the toilet to shorten the fade for Ray missions

It's not 100% consistent but as you can see it wastes no time to go for it and saves about a second on every Ray mission (except Silence the Sneak, where you'd need to move to set it up, which is slower, and Evidence Dash if you dupe it with Paramedic, since you'd be waiting for the Paramedic wait 3000 to end anyway, and it would give you less leeway)

PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

Apparently this is known but I'll post it anyway

Small timesave for Home Invasion IL

Posted in useless because it is IL strat.

titoncio, eruul2012 और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

This comment has been redacted by the moderator team because it contained offensive slurs.

LaserTrent और BackmadeJay इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Grand Theft Auto III
PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

Snipe from Saint Mark's, about 30-35 seconds faster than Megajump strat from comparison above.

A better reference must exist but this is the first I found that worked

धागा: Grand Theft Auto III
PortugalPowdinet6 years ago

A comparison between the fastest known routes as of 12/11/2017

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