
I created a Discord group for speedrunning the games in this series and posted it a couple of years ago on speedrun.com, but didn't post it here where most of the play is. The group is for the sharing of strategies and collaboration for all three games.


SuperGamer64 इसे पसंद करता है
United StatesPokemonmaster8883 years ago

I made a Discord server for speedrunning the NES Remix series games. I want to grow its competitive community by making the server a place to discuss the games and post/gather all competitive resources/strategies for them. People that are interested can join the community here:


United StatesPokemonmaster8883 years ago

Are the Mission time attack charts for “Glitchless” style categories (No CCG, Warping, and more) in the plans for the moderators now? If so, are the charts going to be here or in the category extensions game?

United StatesPokemonmaster8884 years ago

Hello! I was viewing the charts for this game entry over the past couple of years as I was planning on doing a speedrun for the Game Boy Color version of the game. I have the chance to do that as of today, so I would like to know what categories and timing methods/rules this version of the game will use. The charts for the Game Boy Color version in the Misc. section don't give any timing guidelines or other rules, and I am not quite sure of what categories are applied to this release either. I guess nobody has done a speedrun of that game in this branch of the internet yet, but I do not know.

I was going to do an Any% speedrun or some kind of standard speedrun for the game, so I would like recommendations on what to aim for and do in that regard. Please let me know.

United StatesPokemonmaster8884 years ago

Hello Melee speedrunners! The setup for the Category Extensions game for Super Smash Bros. Melee is now finished. A bunch of new categories for the full-game section are currently made and the individual level charts from the regular game are also present. The rulings for each part of this game have been updated to comply with the purpose of what we wanted for the category extension, and each category has at least some ruling for guidance right now. It can have rules altered/optimized and new categories added to it once more people play and think of new additions for leaderboards, but right now the game is at the point where it is considered ready for use.

Go take a look and contact us if you think anything needs to be adjusted, added, or removed, for any part of the game. I think the game will be adjusted going forward, but we will try to keep things as compatible as possible for the submissions in case any category structures, policies, or rules get changed drastically.

Black-Shadow और UntarLaManteca इसे पसंद करें
United StatesPokemonmaster8884 years ago

Hello! I wanted to write an update on the leaderboards discussed here for software modifications for Super Smash Bros. Melee. We wanted to make leaderboards for things like 20XX versions and all of that kind of stuff that give SSBM different features like C-stick for attacks in single player mode, among a lot of other changes. We chose to separate these new leaderboards from the original game to let any interested players compete amongst themselves without disturbing the regular game. slippy318 submitted a Category Extension request for this game last year, but it seems that the Category Extension request was rejected and may have been lost or done so by accident. speedrun.com had numerous technical issues last year and this request was submitted around those times so it was probably affected by them.

I spoke to a Content Moderator (Techstrobe) about it two days ago and slippy318 has resubmitted the request now. Hopefully it is reviewed and accepted! If it is, we will let all of you know about the rules, leaderboards, guidelines - everything the Category Extension is comprised of as soon as we can. Sorry for the lack of information about this topic over the past year!

GoodleShoes, hypermariosunshine और 6 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United StatesPokemonmaster8887 years ago

Hey Flappy Golfers! I noticed speedrun.com recently added Flappy Golf 1 and 2, and I've been watching things progress here for a couple of weeks. If you aren't aware, a community for Flappy Golf 1 and 2 already exists and we have a multi-purpose Discord server where we communicate about high scores and fastest times (mostly high scores at this time). Most of us come from Cyberscore where charts for flaps mode in both games and time mode in the 1st game exist.

That said, you guys are welcome to join the server and I can add a speedrunning channel or two in the server if you want to make it your base of communication. The server has been around since October 2016. Any questions can be directed towards me. Take a look and hope to see some of you around. :)


United StatesPokemonmaster8887 years ago

I noticed that there were discrepancies among players regarding how to calculate in-game time for all categories for SSBM, so I decided to make this topic as a sole resource for easy location of how to do so. First off, please note that you do need to record your speedrun in order to be able to refer back to the video for the in-game times for each level. That's important as you have no way of getting the in-game time otherwise. It is the player's responsibility to calculate their own total IGT, not the moderator who verifies the run.

To get the total in-game time for your run, you have to add up the IGT for each stage. You do the following for every stage: First note the starting time on the in-game clock and then note the ending time on the in-game clock. You subtract the finish time from the starting time which gets you the in-game time for that stage (the time that passed). For stages in which you used a continue or failed, you note the time that you failed the stage at, and subtract it from the starting time. This is so players cannot segment their runs, essentially making the categories ILs. Once you have calculated the IGT for every stage in the run, you add them all up.

Using a calculator for this process is highly recommended. There should only be 2 decimal places at the max as the game only tracks up to 2. The Master Hand battle in Classic Mode begins at 4:59.99 so be sure to note that when calculating your time. The clock in All-Star automatically counts up so the IGT is displayed on-screen for you.

Some random examples of timing:

5:00.00 (start) and 4:51.28 (end) equals an IGT of 8.72. 5:00.00 (start) and 4:46.81 (end) equals an IGT of 13.19. 5:00.00 (start) and 4:34.52 (end) equals an IGT of 25.48.

That being said, nothing more than basic math is needed to calculate in-game time. I admit this is a bit of a tedious process, but it's well worth it because IGT is the most accurate form of timing for Melee. Real Time Attack is useless for SSBM due to the fact that there are so many variations for loading times between consoles/USB loaders/emulators. Getting a common ground for speedrunning competition is important, and the fact that this game has an in-game timer makes using it a logical choice.

If you have any questions, ask me or another moderator and we will assist you.

davidvkimball, Mynameisjustyahoo और 3 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
United StatesPokemonmaster8888 years ago

Hi guys. Upon talking to the current mods for Melee, we've come to an agreement on some leaderboard changes that were necessary. This thread will serve as a changelog in case we need to update anything else in the future. Here are the current changes:

  • The main change was that In-Game Time is now the default (main) ranking method of times. This allows fairer competition as emulators, Wii USB loading, etc. can compete without worry of real time differences due to loading times. The in-game timer is pretty accurate too, which makes this choice best for the community. I highly recommend that you all check your runs and update them with the IGT if you haven't already; you'll need to use a calculator and do it manually for each mode except for All-Star, as it's given to you. This might be a small hassle but the trade off for better leaderboards is well worth it. I recommend to keep timing by RTA as a back up method too, just for completion's sake.

  • Wii was added as a separate platform to the game, it's not just GCN now. This should have been done a while ago but better late than never. In addition, emulator runs are now shown by default since IGT is the main ranking method. Please update your runs to choose the correct platform if you played on Wii.

  • Rules were clarified greatly. The fact that top 3 times need video evidence was something we had as a policy already, but it wasn't written anywhere. The 5 stock rule was arbitrary and some people didn't follow it anyway, so we scrapped it. I also added a couple guidelines to ensure people know what to do to correctly perform a run.

  • Lastly, Fuzzyness was added as a mod for the game because he has a lot of experience with SSBM. I will add a couple more mods once we get more applicants and decide on that.

We will probably add some new IL categories and more stuff depending upon what people want. For now, these are the changes that have taken place. Feedback and requests for new meaningful categories are welcome, enjoy your runs!

United StatesPokemonmaster8888 years ago

Hey guys. As you might be aware, I'm planning to revamp the Melee leaderboards a bit and get some new mods in for the game. SSBMstuff and pikashy stepped down and I want to get some new people here that are active and know a lot about the game/community to help out. I'm looking to get 2-3 new people that are experienced with Melee. Some general requirements for the role are as follows:

  1. Important! You need to have enough time to dedicate to verifying runs, specifically calculating In-Game Time for submitted and existing runs. We don't get many runs in on a regular basis, but you do need to be active in this regard.
  2. You have to be knowledgeable about Melee, preferably having run/played the game before. Understanding loading times, version differences and how they affect the leaderboards is crucial.
  3. Good people skills. This is a general requirement for most mod positions but since we will be discussing the game, rules and how the leaderboards are set up, you need to be able to compromise/negotiate with us to find a solution.
  4. You should have Discord/Skype to be able to chat with the other mods, preferably Discord as it's more reliable. Easy communication is always a good thing.
  5. Last point is a willingness to help out and make the leaderboards better for all of the runners. If you have the time and feel dedicated to do this, I encourage you to apply.

You can just post in this topic if you're interested or contact me some other way. Thanks in advance!

United StatesPokemonmaster8888 years ago

Hey guys. Here is an invite to the Smash Stadium Discord server, where we talk about all Smash 1P modes of competition. Speedrunning, high scoring, and IL runs among other stuff are discussed. This includes all main Smash games and some fangames too. If you'd like to make a base there to discuss Melee on speedrun.com and decide how the game should be set up, feel free. You can always hang out with everybody and talk strategies too. Enjoy!


United StatesPokemonmaster8889 years ago

Hi, I am Pokemonmaster888. I've been visiting speedrun.com for a while now, and decided to join once I got a video capture device so I could record my console gameplay. Now that I've purchased one, I joined the site. The concept and set-up of speedrun.com is interesting and the community moderated leaderboards are nice.

I'm not new to speedrunning; I've done a couple runs years ago such as my Super Smash Bros. Melee - Classic Very Easy Ganondorf run (which is on the site), and a Sonic Heroes Team Rose Story run which was terrible. I'm a competitor on Cyberscore, The Sonic Center and I do a lot of Individual Level play. However, I've wanted to start doing speedruns more often to expand my horizons. I look forward to competing with the members here, and to achieve some great speedruns!

Pokemonmaster888 के बारे में
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