I didn't think of that yet, maybe soon so far there's not too many runs going on
Thegamecrusher6 इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Find the Phantoms 2
धागा: PEARLS
my run got put on leaderboard as 0:01:34.933 yet the mod note says it's actually 0:01:33.933
धागा: Roblox
I was thinking about Great Citadel of Possible JJT Difficulties. You can definitely speedrun it and I have cotegories planned such as Class0% or Class1% and some sub-categories like BI% (Boost Items) or NBI% (No Boost Items)
धागा: Jim's Computer
I think control as in when you can start moving
धागा: Find The Doges
1 से 20 का दिखाया जा रहा है 23 में से
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