PolandNeZ_RNG7 months ago

So very recently I dipped into speedrunning the game and actually got some really good times in the underworld but I'm faced with a rather major problem as I'd like to submit theese runs to speedrun.com - the entire playthrough everything is smooth sailing but as soon as I reach Tartarus I almost always end up getting some form of stuttering (which can be seen as edits/cuts/splices, making runs invalid for any official leaderboards)

Sometimes it's the entirety of the location except for the final fight, sometimes it's just the entry room, sometimes its a singular stutter but it happens much more often than not and ONLY there.

Anyone faced theese problems? Got any clues what I might look into within SL-OBS settings to fix the issue? (also sorry if this shouldve gone in the games forum section instead, i figured its more of a recording thing)

EDIT: thankfully my runs so far got verified and accepted however question still stands as I rather not submit stuttering video in the future

PolandNeZ_RNG7 months ago

So I've searched around on the net and I've found some simmilar threads but they're all from 5-7 years ago <.<

Most the answers there also relate just to general settings on your account so let me ask a bit more specifically: Yesterday I streamed some runs of Hades 2 and I checked every so often if I'm showing up over on https://www.speedrun.com/hades2/streams - but nope, my name was not there.

I had the correct twitch category selected for the game, all my profile settings are done correctly aswell as far as I know.

Twitch connected, privacy>"Promote my Twitch stream while live" is also enabled

There was also mention of having noslr in the title (i think, dont remember exactly) but I dont have any of that in my titles

I've read in those past threads that it might be the case of twitch just being twitch and not sending all the streamer data back or some such? Is that what we're dealing with here or perhaps in order to show up in the hades2/streams part you're required to have a PB? cause I've seen some mentions of that aswell.

YUMmy_Bacon5 इसे पसंद करता है
PolandNeZ_RNG8 months ago

So a little bit about me: I am NOT a speedrunner, a fan sure, and I dabbled in running here and there but I've got no major accomplishments aside from beating Hades 1 under 10 minutes and Hollow Knight under an hour. I am a big fan though and for Hades 2 - yknow, I wanna dabble again, but this time maybe a bit harder.

So, I looked far and wide for some proper guides but didn't really find anything, so through observations and my own intuition - through the help of the save files available here in the resources tab...

I created this: https://app.milanote.com/1Sav7118Rv3d1k?p=TvIj2E4UDGI

A more or less visual guide to a Hades 2 speedrun setup. Would love to hear what the experts and newbies alike think about this as I'm heavily considering turning it into a full on VideoGuide if I get at least some confirmation that all the stuff I've dotted down actually makes proper sense!

Yoshi_oz इसे पसंद करता है
NeZ_RNG के बारे में
Hades 2 brings an opportunity to start the speedrunning journey! I also do streams and youtube I guess xD
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