धागा: Dino Crisis 2
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

So we ask for the feature. Ignoring the problem doesn't solve it. I mean, I'm fine, I prefer PC, RTA is on my side, PC version works perfectly for me because I'm lucky enough, but what about anyone willing to get a time on Emu? We just leave it as it is, with PSP inevitably superior? Just ban Emulator and PS3 and save yourself the time to review the runs, because they don't matter.

धागा: Dino Crisis 2
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

The point is not having IGT for everything but having it for what CAN be ruled by IGT. We are all okay about the IGT being broken on PC and that's not part of this problem. We do have to be all satisfied. PC version has IGT problem? We rule it with RTA. We want to keep PSP, Emu and PSN together despite RTA being not consisten across them? We rule them with IGT. The website is not evolved enough to contemplate different timing for different categories of the same game? We ask for a change.

धागा: Dino Crisis 2
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

I agree with @RapixOnGaming, but I don't want this to be an attack against a moderator. I personally don't have problems with the mods and I'm sure we can come up with a satisfying solution without starting a fight. @666Deadhunter, you said "No split between Emu and PSP because IGT is the same AND PSP is an emulated version like the PS3 (both are PSN versions)". I would agree with you if IGT was ruling the leaderboard. Right now it doesn't matter at all, so we are back at either requesting a change in how the website handles the ruling times or cheating and putting IGT as both IGT and RTA. No split is fine, in this case, but are we all agreeing on the fact that RTA between at least PSP and Emu is not comparable? It seems like we are just working around the core issue without never addressing it directly.

धागा: Dino Crisis 2
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

Okay, now the problem shifts to the website. Couldn't we cheat and make the RTA match the IGT, like it is done on console if I'm not wrong?

धागा: Dino Crisis 2
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

Hold on, so the problem is that the website pretends all categories of a single game to be ruled by the same time, @666Deadhunter? I wasn't aware of that. I find it weird. Could we do anything, as a community, to bring our problem to the moderators' attention?

धागा: Dino Crisis 2
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

Hi, everyone. Long post ahead. Please, do not come up with collateral topics for the sake of keeping it to the points mentioned in the title. So, I know that If_And_While and Dimension_Bomber have been talking about gaps between PS1 and PS2 in other instances and probably about these topic as well, but straight to point: why no one ever noticed that huge gap between the times on PSP and Emulator? Assuming that IGT on the PS version (contrarily to PC version) is reliable (and it's reliable, since we are using it on the console category), assuming that While, Dimension and Deadhunter (which are the only ones with a PSP time on the leaderboards) have comparable PSPs, assuming that everyone else used pretty much the same emulator, you can see that the difference between PSP RTA and PSP IGT is around 4 minutes, while the difference between Emu RTA and Emu IGT is around 6 minutes, a little more in some instances (don't mind my current run. I fixed the lag and I'm submitting a lagless run right now, with a RTA-IGT difference of almost 6:30 minutes). From a very quick look at While's run, the first major difference I can see is the much faster loading times between camera angles and possibly on the door transitions, which I can see heavily affecting the run overall. DeepStackDave's run, on Emu, seems close to the loading speed I get on Emu. To me, this very quick and empirical comparison and the pretty solid gap in the times are enough to ask, as While did repeatedly, to split between at least PSP and Emu (I'm ignoring PS3 because I don't have experience on that and there is only a very old run on Hard mode, so not enough data, but the RTA-IGT difference in that case is ridiculously huge). If anyone wants a more consistent proof of the PSP-Emu gap, I'll do my best to gather recordings of the game running on the two platforms and make a comparison video. Since I've never paid a lot of attention to the Emu leaderboard, I kind of underestimated the issues claimed by While and Dimension, but now that I did a couple of runs myself I have to agree with them. The fact that the competition is still limited to a few people is an argument I understand against spawning a ton of categories, but in this very case I see the Emu category as unfair. No one can get even just third place without a PSP, and this takes me to the second point. RTA rules on PC because the IGT there is messed up. Fine. IGT rules on console because the IGT on the PS version is working great. Why doesn't IGT rule on Emu, where we are literally emulating the version with the nicely working timer? Is the IGT getting broken across different platforms? If it is, any real proof? Because right now what I see is that RTA is unfair against anything different from a PSP and it is still being used as ruling time. Moreover, I can see a consistency between Emu IGTs and PSP IGTs against the huge gap between RTAs. So, to recap, my point is that PSP/Emu/PSN category cannot be ruled by RTA because the game runs faster on PSP (or slower on anything else, I don't really care). I find it a quite important topic, now that we have some new runners on every platform, and unless someone gets world record with an emulator, I'm considering it impossible. So here are the solutions I can see:

  • Splitting between PSP category and Emu category and keeping RTA as ruling time (but again, why not IGT? It would be even better, if the categories were split)
  • Keeping everything together but using IGT as ruling time
  • Doing more research on newer/different emulators to see if there is a setup that can get results significantly closer to PSP (but this takes time and, in the meantime, runners like DeepStackDave will have to deal with an unreachable third place, which I find sligthly sad)
  • Buy a freaking PSP, everyone

Thank you for your attention.

xtra2Ez और Vendettavic इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Dino Crisis 2
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

I have tried RetroArch and it works fine, so I can speak for that. Is PSXJin and BizHawk work then I'd ask to have a guide and possibly a zip file with the emulators already setup.

धागा: Dino Crisis 2
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

I'm okay with splitting the categories if the difference is a thing. My point is just that the old emulators are not easy to setup (at least for me) and that they are old (which means we could have better alternatives).

धागा: Dino Crisis 2
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

Hello. So, I have had lot of issues trying to get DC2 working on the two emulators currently allowed for the PSP/Emu/PSN category. I've been told that those are pretty obsolete emulators as well, and I have been pointed towards RetroArch, on which the game runs smoothly. My request is to allow RetroArch and or other modern emulators (eventually with setup guides), so that the category becomes more accessible. I know that there is an old debate about accuracy between different emulators, but I'm okay with any emulator we find working well on that side. What is important is that people can easily pick up an emulator and run the game, in my opinion. Thank you for your attention.

RapixOnGaming, xtra2Ez, और Vendettavic इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Dino Crisis 2
ItalyNazzareno3 years ago

Not as far as I know. I personally remap a controller to the default button with JoyToKey and plug the controller in once I started the game (otherwise it will detect the controller and get both the original and the remapped inputs).

AlanUranus इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: World War Z
ItalyNazzareno4 years ago

Hey, thank you! Looking forward to the autosplitter and in the meantime we'll try some more runs.

lollipopomg इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: World War Z
ItalyNazzareno4 years ago

Hello. Since my calculations for load times in runs always were wrong, I took a look at the video guide and figured I was removing a lot of time from things like lobbies, victory screens etc. I then tried to retime my runs to check if now I was calculating them right, but the results were still quite different from the ones provided by the mods. In example, referring to New York (three chapters) 2 Players Easy, the time without loads I calculated is 26:22 while the official time is 26:56. I also tried to time the world record run in that category and I got 25:45 against the official 25:13. Now, I don't really know what I'm doing wrong and that's why I'm opening the thread. Here is what I'm considering as load time (because the issue must be here, I suppose):

  • Whenever "Loading" is displayed
  • The screen right before the loading where it says "Joining server" Thank you in advance.
धागा: MediEvil
ItalyNazzareno4 years ago

I just agree with Jacobo on the need for a separation between the various Any% categories and can't wait to start getting some knockback dashes. As for the name of the category, Any% No DGS sounds nice and good to me, since major skips seems really too vague considering we already spend half of the game skipping stuff through various means and, as Jacobo pointed out, DGS is not mechanically unique.

धागा: Dino Crisis 2
ItalyNazzareno4 years ago

It will heavily affect the time, though.

धागा: Dino Crisis 2
ItalyNazzareno4 years ago

Hello, DinoMight. Unfortunately, that seems to be an issue as inconsistent as its fix. I myself have it if my PC session lasts for too long, and just have to reboot to fix it, but I'm not sure it will work with your setup. Are you using the dgVoodoo Patch?

धागा: MediEvil
ItalyNazzareno4 years ago

Oh yeah, I saw those extracted models too. It's technically fascinating :)

धागा: MediEvil
ItalyNazzareno4 years ago

That's cool, but I have no clue either. As far as I remember, the rooms in Haunted Ruins are not physically connected; you just hit a trigger and get teleported, which mean the trigger could literally be anywhere.

धागा: MediEvil
ItalyNazzareno4 years ago

My pleasure! It's so hard to get inside the room, though. Looks like you need to push a little more towards the wall, but I keep falling off the roof.

धागा: MediEvil
ItalyNazzareno4 years ago

Oh, almost forgot. About the door that NoobKiller finds open at the end of the level loop: I find it closed like Jacobo, but I managed directly enter the room with the two demons at the end of the loop a couple of times, actually saving some time. It's not consistent, yet, but as soon as I get the right timing I'll let you know. Now it's time to grind the second glitch of the level.

Edit: also, turns out it's not a framerate problem. I can get the glitch running the game native 50 FPS with no issue.

Nazzareno के बारे में
A lot of pain.
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