धागा: Banjo-Tooie
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

lol this didnt age well, turns out 100% xbox might actually be faster

Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

my 100% no sun record was removed for some reason?

Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

candyless 100% isnt possible i dont think

Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

play on xbox 4head LOL no WASD there

Speedrun, Luweegee और 2 अन्य इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

theres a sub minute route for final homerun? my gold is a 1:38

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

i mean, technically i can just re submit my 100% run into the wtw category since wtw is optional and not required

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

i just dont see the point in having a category for WTW allowed if its slower than glitchless

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

lol @DlyanSpam why even do WTW glitch and submit the time when its not even faster than my 100% no glitches run LUL

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

@FilipeTales bro thats a cool pic lol was that pulled from my pb?

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

failing on sun would be soooo embarrassing, and i wont be able to do some strats cause i can softlock and thats not good for a marathon

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

@kubalyarn i see you just got a new any% time, how about you try out 100% :) needs more players

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

robot 64 is a way better game then 95% of the meme roblox games. I dont see myself playing roblox when playing this game.

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

why do you think that? @mrt129

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

I am planing to submit Robot 64 100% at AGDQ 2020 in Orlando and was wondering if there was anyone willing to come to commentate on the couch. Still a long ways away just want to see any options!

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

wanna do a no reset race? @theguy9912 and just submit it :)

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

100% 54 is only 20 minutes longer

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

sub 40? my SOB is 40:16 and i dont see how to save 17 seconds

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

How about we get more people playing 100% , it only has 10 submissions while any% has a ton more. No motivation to play cause no competition.

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

turns out its only one second faster, 1 and a half if your fast

धागा: Robot 64
Florida, USANadeTheGreat5 years ago

if you grab both ICs in the same cutscene it can soft lock the game sometimes.

gwneon इसे पसंद करता है
NadeTheGreat के बारे में
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