धागा: Super Mario Galaxy
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

If you have discord, I would recommend joining the 2p (2-player mode) server.


धागा: Super Mario 3D Land
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Depends how you're recording it - if you're doing it from your phone you might be able to plug the aux into your phone and use it like a microphone

United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Generally people use an emulator because of all the extra features they have - idk if there are any switch emulators which have the right tools / are consistent enough though.

धागा: Super Mario Odyssey
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

The problem is if they're not using a capture card.

But you could turn the volume down from your TV - it would be quieter and less distracting, but still valid.

comfy187 और Pear इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Super Mario Odyssey
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

You'd have to check the game rules, which say:

"All runs require video proof (with audio)."

But I would also ask the mods if you're unsure about this specific case - you would have audio for most of the run

Cursed1701 इसे पसंद करता है
समाचार: Odd Bot Out
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Thread about how to retime runs if anyone's interested. https://www.speedrun.com/obo/thread/me0br

This only applies to IL runs. Fullgame runs will still be to the nearest second.

धागा: Odd Bot Out
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Retiming Individual Level runs of this game accurately is quite hard, because each level has a gradual fadeout at the end (as opposed to sudden cuts like many other games).

The rules for timing are now "timing starts when the level starts to fade in, and ends when the level starts to fade out".

This means that, if you want to time accurately, you start the timer on the first frame that the level is slightly visible - this is as you press it on the level select screen.

Similarly, timing ends on the first frame that the level begins to fade out when you have finished it.

These rules are still slightly ambiguous because different people might choose different frames to end the timing on, but it's the best option there is. If two runs are very close they can be compared side-by-side to see which one finished first.

United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Doing each level in each file as mario and Luigi requires 12 runs of every level. 24 Broob anyone?

ely_ इसे पसंद करता है
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

For a top-level speedrunner that would take:

6 hours 30 for 64 (manageable, people often do runs that long)

9 hours for sunshine (getting longer but still not that bad considering...)

70 hours for galaxy (just no)

This is assuming that anyone can play at world record consistency for 3-6 runs back to back of each game, which isn't going to happen either.

Edit: 70 hours for galaxy is assuming you do 242 each time - doing 120 each time would be much better

Glitchedblood इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Google Snake
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

I feel like the leaderboards are there to show the fastest players rather than the fastest times. This means that where you are on the leaderboard reflects who is the fastest speedrunner.

While you have the 4th, 5th and 7th fastest times, you would not say that that you are the 4th, 5th and 7th fastest speedrunner.

This is different to high score leaderboards, which often list every top score even if most of them are by the same person.

धागा: Speedrunning
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

You could try asking at the page for that game - then they would know which game you were asking about

धागा: Speedrunning
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Yeah true, chances are all the factors which affect how you do in a speedrun would make it impossible to model accurately - a person would be better at deciding which strats they think they would get.

That's also a good point that you would end up in a feedback loop - being inconsistent at a strat causes you to use it less, meaning you get less consistent and less of a chance to 'prove' that it can be useful.

MrMonsh इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Speedrunning
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

I'm not sure to be honest lol

It wouldn't be too hard to collect data on how long you took for each split (livesplit already does this), so as long as you told it what strat you did it could build up a lot of data about how long different strats take

From there it's just lots of calculations and computer stuff to predict how long it will take you next time, based on your past consistency

MrMonsh इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Speedrunning
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Not always - the fastest strats are often much too hard / risky to go for if you aren't consistent enough

धागा: Speedrunning
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

I know it's a weird idea and probably not one that will be very useful lol, but you never know... it might turn out that computers are better than people at deciding what the best strats are

धागा: Speedrunning
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Yeah that's true - I feel like I haven't explained what I'm thinking of very well but I see that people do often use programs to help them during their speedruns.

(I was thinking of a tool that would do what you were talking about in the top paragraph - collecting the data and then also saying if you should go for a strat or not.

Livesplit was just an example of how the data would be collected.)

धागा: Speedrunning
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

I guess I was thinking of something like livesplit that keeps track of your time (very fast and easy to use) - and kind of like how it has a PB chance feature on livesplit it predicts how long the run would take using different strats

For example telling the runner if it's likely to be faster to do a risky strat or a safe strat based on their consistency.

MrMonsh इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Speedrunning
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

No but as a concept, would it be allowed? (Whether or not it would be a good idea is a different question lol)

MrMonsh इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Speedrunning
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

An argument in favour of these sort of programs would be that they are not affecting how you play - even if they predict that you can beat the world record with these strats, you still need the skill to play well and consistently.

Am argument against them would be that they are a tool that is assisting you in your speedrun (and therefore banned) as you are using them to get better times in your runs.

What do you think?

MrMonsh इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Speedrunning
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

In almost any speedrun, there are many different strategies that can be used. Runners will often have to choose between spending their time practising a few harder levels or lots of easy levels, and this choice will often affect how they do in runs.

My question is: what would you think to people using computers and algorithms to help them choose what to practise? Would that be seen as fair or not?

What about using a program during to run to recommend which strats to go for on each level? (For example calculating if you can afford to go for a risky glitch or should take the slow but easy route).

MrMonsh इसे पसंद करता है
Monkeytron के बारे में
Maths nerd and mediocre speedrunner.
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