RussiaMicroElf8 years ago

There has been some questions about rules for WC3 both RoC and TFT. I wonna know your opinions. So please read this thread and vote. Any comments will be great as well.

Question #1: Timing for individual level runs.

Option A: RTA Option B: in-game

Pros for in-game timer:

  1. No need of external timer. So, easier to run
  2. Final time is shown on final screen so there will be no arguing about halved seconds or something like that in close results. Also easier to check.

Potential problem might be is any ways to glitch in-game timer. But I don't know about any possibilities as long as we forbid saves. So I feel like in-game timing might be more convenient.

Question #2: Movies (In order to clarify: Deleting movies directory will only affect cinematics, not cutscenes).

Option A: allow deleting movies directory Option B: forbid deleting movies directory

There are some known bugs with movies. First, they glitch at new OS and sometimes crash or freeze the game. Second, they glitch recording. As a common rule we shouldn't modify any original game files. But movies is not really a part of a game (I mean no gameplay, just video) and they can be deleted harmlessly. So, I think we definitely should allow that but wonna know your opinions first.

Question #3: Prologue in full game runs (RoC)

Option A: Prologue must be included Option B: Prologue may be skipped

Argument for including is mostly that it is a part of the plot and the game.

Pros for skipping:

  1. Even with the profile you can skip Prologue (there will be warning, but still you can skip). So in order to any% principle it doesn't look like necessary.
  2. Probably prologue is not a very interesting part of a full-game run. We have enough rutine missions, so no need to expand it even more.
  3. Full game run will be long as hell, so cut this 8 minutes :)

I feel like skipping prologue will be probably a bit better, but wonna your thoughts as well.

For comfort you may copy message below and choose your options

Question #1: Timing for individual level runs. [A/B] Question #2: Movies [A/B] Question #3: Prologue in full game runs (RoC) [A/B]

RussiaMicroElf8 years ago


I'm interested in running Anno 2205 which is not in the list of games. Is it possible to add it?

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