CanadaMagolor90007 years ago

hey i decided to make a discord for ESA so if anyone was interested in running the game after AGDQ they could get help with learning and stuff. link to the discord: https://discord.gg/wDpJSnJ

CanadaMagolor90007 years ago

so i found this like half a year ago but im insanely lazy so i never really said anything about it until now, probably should have just made a video when i found it but im dumb so i didnt

धागा: Undertale
CanadaMagolor90007 years ago

in the windows version if you press z/enter and then the other button without letting go of the first one you pressed your input will be eaten (same thing happens with x and shift) so if you let go of the buttons as soon as possible when mashing it will be the same speed on both versions, its only easier on linux not technically faster

Bain8renn, xandertje10, और SadPanda इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Undertale
CanadaMagolor90007 years ago

it would still be 50 minutes

CanadaMagolor90007 years ago

you do neutral when doing pacifist, doing another neutral run for no reason would be dumb

CanadaMagolor90007 years ago

this is already a category on the main leaderboards http://www.speedrun.com/undertale#Soulless_Pacifist

धागा: Undertale
CanadaMagolor90007 years ago

the only autosave that has nothing to do with dying is the one after the asriel fight

CanadaMagolor90008 years ago

I just found a small skip at the bottom of the station that probably saves about 10 seconds if done quickly

धागा: Undertale
CanadaMagolor90008 years ago

its not dead he didn't get 5 cycle and asgore could have been a turn faster Kappa

Granolant और Junky इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Undertale
CanadaMagolor90008 years ago

this is basically what soulless pacifist is except you do geno first

OmegaFallon इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Undertale
CanadaMagolor90008 years ago

I tried this in the room before you lose your pause menu during the undyne fight and nothing happened so this is probably useless

धागा: Undertale
CanadaMagolor90008 years ago

this could maybe be useful if you wrong warp into a room that you normally cant pause in? idk I just found this I will test it more tomorrow

धागा: Undertale
CanadaMagolor90008 years ago

If you get the second PCE frame perfect you could see if your on the right pixel I guess but if you don't get the fame perfect PCE going for this would just be stupid because the only other way to do it would be to count steps but that's really slow and inconsistent if you don't pause buffer or maybe you could memorize how long you have to hold up after the second PCE but it would be really risky and you would still have to get the second PCE quickly. I don't think anyone will do this in runs unless they practice it for hours.

धागा: Undertale
CanadaMagolor90008 years ago

so if you use punchcard right before the fight and quickly cancel it and hold up you can wrong warp

CanadaMagolor90008 years ago

I'm just going to post new strats here. I found mender unit 1 cycle for this you need to get hit at the right time

CanadaMagolor90008 years ago

so I found another glitch this one isn't very useful right now but it can save a bit of time on the class A guardian also I haven't tested it on every boss yet so it might be useful somewhere else. if you know how text storage works you should understand why this works. I also found out that you can pause at the same time you enter a room but that's probably useless. list of bosses that I have tested it on. scraping unit, security overmind, robbed statue, class A guardians, MYWA. video of glitch edit: it actually does save time on MYWA I didn't realize that you could attack him before the fight started lol

धागा: Undertale
CanadaMagolor90008 years ago

if you walk into the left igloo and read the sign and the same time you can get text overflow and you can use that to walk around with the save point text on screen. I also found out that you can wrong warp with a save point but you wrong warp to the start of the room so it doesn't do anything. if we can somehow get another textbox on the screen we could skip the papyrus battle I think. If you have any ideas please tell me them. video link of wrong warp onto the papyrus battle room:

CanadaMagolor90009 years ago

earlier today I was mashing the map button in the first cutscene for some reason and I pressed the map button on the same frame the text appeared and the text was on the map screen so I exited the map screen and I could move with the text on screen so I went to the class c guardian room and i cancelled the text and the fight started early. I also found that you could get text storage from reading the messages on the computers and pressing the map button at the same time.

list of things that you can do with text storage

you can start the class c guardian fight early if you cancel the text in the class c guardian room

you can activate the yellow gates early if you cancel the text in the room that you activate the yellow gates

if you do text storage using the computer in the class d guardians everything that the computer activates wont activate until you cancel the text so you can skip the class d guardians and it also can probably save time if you don't cancel the text until you have to activate one of the computers that you need to activate to fight the security overmind. you can do the same thing with the computer you need to activate to get to overgrowth just don't cancel the text until you get to the room before the save point.

if you die with text storage you softlock

some things wont move when you have text storage (I think it can save time in the fire area)

if you have any ideas for skips you could do with text storage or find anything just post it here.

also I found another glitch if you use hookshot and double jump at the same time you jump higher.

CanadaMagolor900010 years ago

A good time for me would be Saturday or Sunday. I dont think I would like to race 100% but any% and all gems races would be fun.

Magolor9000 के बारे में
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