About Swarm "Gold-less" run: we don't like the idea of having to use a second account just to submit a run. If Riot adds a system where you can turn on/off your upgrades, then it would make sense to add a "Upgrade-less" run.
it doesnt matter how you get to the 50th kilometer btw you were fine
i would like to keep my record more than an hour next time please ahhahaha
next time wait a few seconds after completing the run. the sign for whenever you want to quit was blocking the hp of the gromp and that made it harder to verify.
Post any new categories or changes that you would like to see!
we thought on adding lvl 18 speedrun but decided that we wont do it (at least for now) bc seems kinda bland and basic; players would mostly play in aram pushing waves in inhiv with any fast wave clear champion like garen or anivia.
it doesnt mean we wont add it later on tho...
We are still testing things out, but as far as I can tell the Custom Games bots are still the same as patch 14.5. The only category that would have to be updated would be the 5v5 Co-op vs AI, but the other ones should be fine.
So, unless we decide something later, everything will be going the same way it's going.
If something important happens, we will do a announcement on the Discord server and in the News here.
Thank you for asking! Have a nice day.