I now agree with you, tbh when I was first making the speedrun.com page I was trying to mimic the Karlson Speedrunning page because I was a speedrunner for it for a while. I'll remove IGT until an Autosplitter for Rewinder is made.
Due to the realization that the forums may become a place to chat instead of a place to relay information. I took the liberty to make a Discord to hangout instead of the forums. Here is what you can expect.
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the opening cutscene's length does vary, there is a method to almost skip it entirely but it isn't counted in the IGT.
I am looking for at least one more Moderator, If you are interested please reply to this thread. To be a mod you need to have at least one verified run.
While under normal implications yes, however if you read the rules there are certain instances where you are allowed to rewind (Such as falling of the map) that make it possible.