दौड़: Big Scary
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that you can't run that fast from one side to the other on that level but I'll check with people
धागा: Big Scary
we will reset it when level 17 comes out also no we will not make a category for level 1-8 unless most people want it
PersonWhoLikesGames और BlusBox इसे पसंद करें
धागा: Big Scary
thats true I'm a owner of this page and we said that we should wait for level 17 to come out for a fresh start
W1lliPet इसे पसंद करता है
धागा: Big Scary
yo I'm online and I doing all your runs
धागा: Big Scary
ya he kinda is he does nothing to the page
धागा: Big Scary
no your good thank you for pointing it out
धागा: Big Scary
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